Languages play an important role in everyone's life.It is a way to communicate,but these days native speech is becoming extinct.So it is often argued by a few masses that governance should use the money for conserving the mother tongue as culture is
a crucial part of the country's identity.Linking Words
, others opine that it is a disuse of economic resources.Linking Words
essay will discuss both views as far as I am concerned I am in favour of the former notion.
Linking Words
To begin
with,some individuals think it is not worth it to put the limelight on speeches because these days trends have changed.Everything is influenced by Foreign culture.Even though,when individuals apply for jobs interviewers look for international dialects not only their native tongue.Linking Words
For example
,in India present time English is mandatory in every single school.As it is an international language and it has been spoken worldwide.Linking Words
,the public prefers to focus on Linking Words
language for a good future and to connect with society from another country.
Shifting toward the final view,managing a country's speech is essential as it is the uniqueness of the nation.It is the root of the heritage.Through culture and dialect person connect and share their emotions and feelings.Linking Words
For instance
,Linking Words
according to
a Canadian Heritage Department survey, 95% of the population speaks their motherland vocabulary which is French , especially people above the age of 55.They do not know any other lingo.Linking Words
As a result
,some folks prefer to save their mother tongue.
In conclusion,Linking Words
other languages influence youth and the community is putting pressure to introduce new language Linking Words
of their own speech yet,I believe that saving natural tongues is Linking Words
important so the Government should introduce some schemes to conserve them.Linking Words