Some people think that people moving to a new country should accept new culture in the foreign country. Others think that they should live in a separate minority group with different lifestyle. Discuss both the views and give your opinion.

It is an undeniable fact that the public is migrating from one native to another to seek a better lifestyle.
, some nations think that it would be sufficient if they tried to adopt the culture where they moved but others have the opposite view.In
essay,I will discuss both views in the ensuing paragraphs
along with
a logical conclusion. To embark on,there are numerous positive effects on folks to absorb new cultures and traditions.The primary one is that, it could assist them to learn about distinctive cultural values.To explain it,it reflects the population to enhance their understanding
they agreed on the consumption of that particular culture where they migrate for their purposes.
approach could encourage natives to become respectful of different native beliefs.
, it would be beneficial for the community to survive better if they believe in the new homey's ethical values.
makes it easier for society to work and study because they can understand everything if they already adopted and learned the way how that
Correct article usage
the provincial
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crowd indulged themselves.
trend has its negative sides that cannot be neglected.
statement can separate them from their own country's traditions like it should be imperative for one's country native to be attached to their ancestors that would help them to stay in touch with their family backgrounds.
, it
creates obstacles for new countries where people migrate because
they are trying to persuade their lifestyles
they have arguments on different issues
as a result
contributes to a debatable environment which is not acceptable at all. In conclusion,
the adoption of new cultures is relevant for people to complete their studies and work it should be heppen under proper guidelines that do not badly impact the agrarian or natives who consume.
Submitted by kaurbhagwant95 on

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Strive to use a wider range of vocabulary to express your ideas more precisely and to enhance the sophistication of your argument.
Work on sentence structure to improve clarity and readability, varying sentence types and lengths for better flow.
Incorporate more specific examples to support your arguments, enhancing the persuasiveness and depth of your discussion.
Ensure a clear and logical organization of paragraphs, with each paragraph focusing on a single main idea, supported by explanations or examples.
Good job discussing both views on the topic, providing a balanced and thoughtful analysis.
Effective use of an introduction and conclusion to frame your essay, helping to make your position clear to the reader.
You demonstrated a good ability to maintain coherence and cohesion throughout the essay, with logical progression of ideas.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • assimilate
  • social cohesion
  • integration
  • navigating the job market
  • cultural preservation
  • sense of belonging
  • heritage
  • multiculturalism
  • cultural landscape
  • support network
  • transition
  • multicultural society
  • mutual respect
  • cultural identity
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