You recently went on a trip with a friend and you both took some photographs. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter: Ask your friend to send you a particular photograph Explain why you need that particular photograph Tell your friend what happened to your copy of it

Dear Mahdis I hope
letter finds you well. It was a nice trip to India with you, we had lots of fun together, especially our time on Goa Island. I experienced
Correct article usage
a very
show examples
special moment on our visit
Change preposition
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Correct article usage
the temples
show examples
, which are located on the cliff with
Correct article usage
show examples
ocean view. I'm just writing to ask whether you could send me a particular photo, that we took together beside Naomi Temple. I really love that one because the combination of
Change the spelling
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temple and sunset near the blue ocean was
Correct your spelling
I want to show that to my Indian friends
Remove the comma
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because they are so traditional and they would be happy when tourists visit their temples. Unfortunately, that photo was accidentally deleted from my phone and I have not saved that in my iCloud. I had checked all of my backups but I couldn't find it. I look forward to catching up with you soon. Negar
Submitted by Negar_seddigh on

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coherence cohesion
To enhance coherence, you could ensure smoother transitions between different parts of the letter. For instance, transitioning from the introductory paragraph about the trip to the request for the photograph can be made more fluid.
task achievement
Watch out for minor language mistakes. For example, 'extraordinair' should be 'extraordinary'. Proofreading for these errors will help increase the overall quality of your writing.
task achievement
You have effectively provided the context of your request and the reason why you need the photograph.
task achievement
The tone of your letter is suitably friendly and polite, which is appropriate for writing to a friend.
coherence cohesion
You have included a clear greeting and closing, which keeps the communication polite and structured.

The Closing

The style of the letter determine how you have to close it.

Check out the suggested closing sentences for each type of letter in the General IELTS Test. The closing sentence should be the last sentence of your letter.

Formal style (To someone you have not met, whose name you don’t know)

  • Yours faithfully,

Semi-formal (To someone you may or may not have met, whose last name you know)

  • Yours sincerely,

Informal (To someone you know well, whose first name you know and use)

  • Best regards,
  • Warm wishes,

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • cherished memories
  • nostalgic moment
  • misplaced
  • irreplaceable
  • keepsake
  • digital blunder
  • sentimental value
  • emblematic snapshot
  • commemorate
  • memento
  • gratitude
  • replica
  • high-resolution
  • backup
  • heartfelt
  • antique
  • intact
  • dearly
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