Convenience foods will become increasingly prevalent and eventually replace traditional foods and tradition methods of food preparation. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

era of busy life, people are resorting to ready-made meals
of homemade foods.Some folks argue that
packed eatables will fully replace regular food.I tend to disagree with
idea because many people would like to adopt the healthy choice and
would want to enjoy the aftertaste and preserve the cultural identity. Convenience foods are at a disadvantage as far as health is concerned.
is because most of the ingredients used in
recipes are energy-dense and may lead to high blood sugar levels
causing diabetes and hyperlipidemia.To illustrate
, many snack lovers in Western countries are obese and suffer from health issues at a younger age as compared to those who consume proper meals.Recent statistics from the American Heart Association show that junk items are responsible for the increased weight in almost 60 per cent of American adults. The traditional foodstuff
on the other hand
is likely to remain included in the diet plan
due to
its special aroma.Most of the individuals consuming traditional cuisine do so because of its unique flavour. Satisfying their taste buds with a delicious meal gives them a pleasure that a ready-made meal cannot provide.
important for their satiety,
they might feel hungry all the time.
For instance
, whenever I come back from a party where pizza is served, I always have a desire to eat a regular meal because pizza does not give a feel of a complete meal.
, the traditional dishes are important for the cultural identity and social bonding.
For example
, Barayani is a famous dish in South East Asia. In conclusion,
convenience foods have a place in busy societies, they are not expected to overcome homemade meals
due to
the delicious taste and significant health benefits of home-cooked materials.
Submitted by alishah2294 on

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task achievement
Strengthen your support for the thesis statement by providing additional examples or statistical evidence. This will help bolster your argument even further.
coherence and cohesion
Introduce linking words and phrases more frequently to improve the flow between sentences and paragraphs. For example, use phrases like 'In addition,' 'Furthermore,' and 'Consequently.'
task achievement
Try to elaborate a bit more on why the cultural identity linked to traditional foods could discourage a complete shift to convenience foods. More in-depth reasoning will enhance your argument.
introduction conclusion present
The introduction clearly states the position and outlines the main points that will be discussed in the essay.
introduction conclusion present
The conclusion effectively summarizes the essay and reinforces the main argument. It also acknowledges the presence of convenience foods while maintaining the stance against complete replacement.
supported main points
Relevant examples, such as personal experiences and statistical data, are used well to support the main argument.
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