The process diagram details the steps by which liquid chocolcate is produced from cocoa beans.

The process illustrates the way how cacao
are harvested, in order to produce liquid chocolate.
, there are 10 steps in the chocolate-producing process, beginning with the harvest of red pods and ending with the liquid chocolate product.
To begin
Correct article usage
the cacao
show examples
tree's red, ripe pods, which are grown in South America, Africa, and Indonesia, are harvested.
they are split open, with white cacao
inside, before being fermented under leaves.
, small fermented
are spread in the sun to dry.
, dried
are put in huge sacks.
all sacks are transported to the factory by train or truck.In the factory, they are roasted at 350°C. In the subsequent step, they are crushed in a grinder so that the outer shell can be separated.The final step involves taking the inner part of the
from the
step and pressing it into liquid chocolate.
Submitted by makemoneyizzy16 on

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coherence cohesion
The logical structure of your essay is quite clear. However, a more concise conclusion could enhance the structure of your essay.
coherence cohesion
Ensure that you always include a clear introduction and conclusion in your essays. This not only helps in structuring your response but also provides a clear start and end to your information flow.
task achievement
To make your response more comprehensive, ensure all key process steps are elaborated on in sufficient detail, focusing on the production specificities.
coherence cohesion
Make use of linking words or phrases to improve the overall flow of your essay and enhance cohesion.
task achievement
You have effectively outlined all the steps involved in producing liquid chocolate from cocoa beans.
task achievement
Your use of relevant specifics, such as temperatures and transportation methods, helps to provide a clear depiction of the process.
coherence cohesion
The essay includes good paragraphing and logical flow between the steps, making it easy to understand the process.

Fully explain your ideas

To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
    • Sentence 1 - Background statement
    • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
    • Sentence 3 - Thesis
    • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
    • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
    • Sentence 2 - Example
    • Sentence 3 - Discussion
    • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
    • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
    • Sentence 2 - Example
    • Sentence 3 - Discussion
    • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
    • Sentence 1 - Summary
    • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
    • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ »— a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

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