It has been said that working in international context carries some challenges, however there is an opinion which claims that there is not such a kind of issue. Discuss both of these views and state your own opinion.

argue that working in foreign countries can pose substantial difficulties,
others hold differing opinions. I align with the first mindset. Communication barriers between
from diverse linguistic backgrounds pose a significant, widely recognized challenge.
issue stems from the inherent connection between people's modes of expression and their native languages, which naturally vary.
For example
, when a company employs personnel from different nationalities - the language barrier that arises may impede their ability to effectively interact and fully comprehend one another, despite their physical proximity.
, the complexities of cultural diversity can easily cultivate a highly overwhelming environment.
problem is compounded when group members apply their distinct communication and decision-making approaches, rooted in their varied linguistic and cultural backgrounds. I strongly believe that One of the most significant issues people face is the diverse set of legal obligations demanded within different contexts.
For instance
, in some workplaces, mandatory punctuality with penalties for non-compliance may sharply contrast the norms employees are accustomed to.
, the specific ethical standards and
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expectations rooted in a company's culture can pose substantial difficulties. These deep-seated normative differences create challenges as
try to adapt to new professional settings. Understanding and adhering to unfamiliar legal requirements,
as well as
aligning with distinct ethical codes and patterns of behaviour, is crucial for successful integration, yet poses a significant hurdle for those transitioning between diverse organizational contexts.
, the contrasting perspective suggests that working in these kinds of settings can be tremendously rewarding, as it enables the assimilation of new knowledge and ideas from diverse origins. From my point of view,
idea cannot be completely refuted, as exposure to novel concepts can certainly be energizing and intellectually stimulating.
, the challenge of adjusting to these environments should not be overlooked.
frequently need to invest substantial effort to acquire the requisite resources and skills needed to effectively incorporate those fresh ideas into their own work and mindset. In conclusion, the substantial hurdles of language, culture, and laws often make working in foreign countries more challenging than rewarding for most
, despite the potential exposure to new ideas.
Submitted by homa.nazrmian56 on

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task achievement
Try to balance your points more evenly. While you give a thorough exploration of the challenges, the discussion on the benefits of working in an international context could be expanded for balanced coverage.
task achievement
Consider including a wider range of specific examples to substantiate your points further, especially regarding how cultural diversity impacts workplace dynamics.
coherence cohesion
Ensure logical flow between points. Although the essay is generally cohesive, some transitional phrases could further clarify the connections between ideas.
coherence cohesion
The essay starts and concludes with a strong, clear statement of your stance, enhancing coherence and cohesion.
coherence cohesion
Main points are well-organized and logically structured, making it easy for the reader to follow your arguments.
task achievement
The response effectively addresses all parts of the task, presenting a clear and comprehensive argument about the challenges of working in an international context.
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