People in many countries are spending less time with their family. What are the reasons, and effects of this?

Home is a place where people get together and share ups and downs in life.
, in
modern society, family gatherings seem to be uncommon in many places.
trend is believed to affect negatively
in various aspects of life.
To begin
with, there are several reasons why family members have become
from each other. One of the main causes is in terms of their busyness. The development of numerous facets in society requires
including both workers and students to work hard so that they can achieve their goals.
For instance
, many directors who hold important positions in a company and have to take their
to meet business partners seldom go home early and spend
with their children.
going to school every day, learners have to review lessons in many other extra classes to pass their exams. Another reason is regarding the domination of technology. Nowadays, a person owns at least one or two electronic devices including laptops and smartphones that make
lose track of
whenever they are used.
but not least, the sense of individualism has been favoured.
In other words
of joining family reunions, people prefer to spend
pursuing their own ways of living. Needless to say, it is obvious that everyone is far apart from their families. It is a commonly held belief that
issue has had many influences on the lives of family members.
, the break of family bonds may lead to some conflicts and tension.
That is
to say, when people seldom have a talk with each other, unresolved issues may arise and affect their relationships. Every year, there are many cases in which siblings fight each other
due to
misunderstanding for a long
may result in emotional distress. In fact, family bonds provide emotional support and a sense of belonging. When these bonds are broken,
may experience feelings of anxiety, isolation and depression. To give an example of
, young children whose backgrounds are from broken families are reported to have difficulties in academic performance and social relationships.
, it can be seen that there are many negative impacts of
problem. In conclusion, blood relations play a vital role during a lifetime.
should maintain their kinship to strike a balance in life.
Submitted by bichngoc.ngochoa on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • predominant
  • commitments
  • imbalance
  • digital technology
  • social media
  • globalization
  • weakened
  • disconnected
  • strain
  • stress
  • mental health issues
  • developmental issues
  • behavioral problems
  • parental guidance
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