In some countries, online shopping is replacing shopping in stores. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

It is evident that in some countries physical stores are being replaced by online shops. I believe
replacement is absolutely positive because of its convenience and its contribution to the national and global economy. E-commerce, which is obviously convenient, has outweighed traditional retail. With only a click of a button,
can buy whatever they need.
For instance
, in the past, if people wanted to buy luxury
brand name
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items, they had to go to physical stores,
, it took them a lot of time.
, shopping online is fast and safe thanks to its large scale of delivery. Regarding sellers, there are various platforms that they can benefit from
as Alibaba, Amazon, and Shopee, which makes it easier than ever for them to approach different
no matter the geographical distances.
, the growing number of online shops
contributes to the national and global economy. Since a tremendous number of orders are being placed, there is a significant increase in demand for packaging and shipping processes.
can provide more job opportunities,
decreasing the unemployment rate.
, shopping in the virtual space can enable businesses to cut enormous costs from maintenance, salaries for staff
as well as
other fees.
allows them to lower the prices and make their products more affordable and accessible for
but not least, the more revenue
that is
generated from e-commerce, the more taxes the sellers and
have to pay, which substantially boosts the national budget so that the governments can use it for enhancing public infrastructures. In conclusion,
it is clear that
online shopping is a positive innovation in current life thanks to its convenience and how it benefits the economy of the whole world.
Submitted by anhpham.712688 on

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task achievement
Increase the variety of examples. Provide more specific illustrations or case studies beyond general mentions of platforms like Amazon or Shopee to make arguments more compelling.
coherence cohesion
Ensure smooth transitions between points. While the essay has good logical structure and flow, using more linking phrases can enhance cohesion and clarity.
task achievement
The essay effectively addresses the prompt and offers a balanced discussion by highlighting both convenience and economic benefits of online shopping.
coherence cohesion
The introduction and conclusion are clear and concise, providing a solid framework for the essay.
coherence cohesion
Main points are well-supported, and the essay exemplifies strong logical flow between points.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • unparalleled convenience
  • remote areas
  • wide range of products
  • broad selection
  • price comparison
  • customer satisfaction
  • value for money
  • impact on local businesses
  • economic diversity
  • job losses
  • environmental implications
  • packaging waste
  • carbon emissions
  • carbon footprint
  • data privacy
  • cybersecurity
  • personal data
  • tactile shopping experience
  • immediate gratification
  • physically examined
  • robust measures
  • consumer information
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