You have been working in a company for the last two years. Recently, your computer in the office has started giving some problems and it is affecting your work performance. Write a letter to your manager. In your letter, describe the problem explain how it is affecting your work write what you want him to do regarding it Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows:

Dear Sir, I hope you are doing amazing. I am writing
letter to bring your attention to ongoing issues with my office computer that hinder my work performance.
, it takes about half an hour to start, which creates
down time
Correct your spelling
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for me every
, it shuts down on its own during
Correct article usage
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work, which gives me a tough time. As you are well familiar with the company's rules
Change the punctuation
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We have to sign in
Change preposition
on our
show examples
computer for attendance at shop 9:00. It takes time to start.
Due to
, I clock in every
at half past 9:00 and have to do work with my full face to cover up my downtime. What's more, yesterday it was turned off in between the meetings, which showed me to be unprofessional, and I lost my deal after that. As a manager, I would like you to change my computer as soon as possible since it is becoming awful
. Even though I informed our IT department a few times, I have not received any response. I have implicit faith in you, and I believe you will solve
problem very soon A prompt response would be highly appreciated. Your Faithfully, Raj
Submitted by rajwants.1997 on

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coherence cohesion
Work on making the structure more logical with clear topic sentences for each paragraph. For example, mention the specific problem first, then explain its effects, and finally, suggest a solution.
task achievement
The explanation of how the problem affects your work is clear, but try to provide specific examples, such as how it affects your daily tasks or interactions with colleagues.
suitable writing tone
The letter has a polite and respectful tone, which is very appropriate for a letter to a manager.
complete response
You clearly stated the problem with your computer and provided an explanation of how it affects your work.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Technical difficulties
  • Productivity
  • Deadlines
  • Software glitches
  • Upgrading
  • Hardware malfunction
  • Work disruption
  • Commitment
  • Swift action
  • Consulting
  • Thorough checkup
  • Resolving
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