Computers are being used more and more in education. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your own opinion.

It is widely recognized that
has revolutionized various aspects of modern life, and one notable transformation is the increasing integration of
into the educational landscape.
I acknowledge the potential benefits of
approach, it’s essential to delve into both the advantages and disadvantages of
in education. There are several significant drawbacks associated with the use of
in education, including distractions and unsuitability. The presence of
in schools can sometimes divert students’ attention from their studies, as they may engage in gaming or social media during study time. Without proper supervision,
can impede optimal learning and diminish interest in academic pursuits.
, incorporating
into children’s learning processes may not always be advisable, as active learning is essential for their development, contrasting with passive learning facilitated by
, which can hinder social interaction.
, despite these drawbacks,
offers numerous benefits for students.
provide a vast array of information on various fields beyond the scope of traditional schooling that students may wish to explore.
For example
, many programmers study from Internet resources rather than books or classrooms because they offer a wider range of information.
, online learning platforms offer flexibility and convenience, enabling individuals with limited time,
as working professionals, to pursue higher study on their own terms. In conclusion,
may present some challenges to students’ learning processes, they
offer significant advantages for pursuing higher discipline with flexibility. I recommend that schools embrace technological advancements in education
implementing appropriate supervision and usage guidelines, especially for younger students.
Submitted by pocutarifahzahrina on

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task achievement
Try to include more specific examples and detailed support for your arguments. This would help strengthen your points and make your essay more convincing.
task achievement
Many of your points about the pros and cons are clear, but consider elaborating a bit more on each argument to fully explore its implications.
coherence cohesion
Your essay has a strong introduction and conclusion, which neatly frame your discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of computer use in education.
coherence cohesion
The ideas are clearly presented and flow logically from one to the next, ensuring the reader can easily follow your arguments.
task achievement
You have effectively covered both sides of the argument, showing a balanced view on the topic.

Use a variety of complex and simple sentences

You should use complex sentences in your writing, but it does not mean that you should try to make all of our sentences complex.

‘Complex’ sentences are not actually very complex; they are just two or more simple sentences put together. Putting them together makes the essay more coherent and cohesive.


I really want to study but I’m too tired.

I wore a warm coat because the weather was cold.

If action is not taken soon on climate change, global warming will get worse.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • 1. Interactive learning tools
  • 2. Multimedia presentations
  • 3. Online resources
  • 4. Distance learning
  • 5. Remote areas
  • 6. Digital literacy
  • 7. Problem-solving
  • 8. Critical thinking
  • 9. Technology-driven world
  • 10. Digital textbooks
  • 11. Administrative tasks
  • 12. Cost-effective
  • 13. Distraction
  • 14. Social media
  • 15. Over-reliance
  • 16. Traditional skills
  • 17. Handwriting
  • 18. Face-to-face communication
  • 19. Technical problems
  • 20. Digital divide
  • 21. Inequality
  • 22. Educational opportunities
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