TASK 2 Nowadays young people spend too much of their free time in shopping malls. Some people fear that this may have negative effects on young people and the society they live in. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

In the modern era, the phenomenon of consumerism is becoming increasingly
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popular among the young generation, they tend to spend the majority of their free
doing joy shopping and it has caused some concerns relating to the drawbacks
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youngsters and their communities.
writer agrees with
belief because of the individuals' financial burden and the low-quality workforce.
To begin
with, it is vital to understand that a reckless expense habit can result in
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an individual's
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bankruptcy. It must be considered that adolescents are inexperienced, they are not fully equipped with the experience to apply for a well-paid job. Because of that, their income remains relatively low, just enough for daily needs.
, being attracted to the hobbies of shopping
together with
their immaturity, there will be an imbalance between income and outcome.
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Over time
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, it will be unable to afford daily needs and bankruptcy is inevitable.
For instance
, many Vietnamese teenagers are so fond of buying online products that they are left with no money
at the end
of each month, relying on package noodles to survive.
, spending ages on shopping can
have a negative effect on the workforce's quality. It must be acknowledged that joy shopping is just a way to relax, allowing the youth to satisfy themselves without any useful development in skills that can be applied in later life.
In other words
, their precious free
is being wasted.
of that, youngsters can make use of their free
to work on aspects which are necessary for their
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As a consequence
, there will be more
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workers, helping the whole country to develop. In conclusion, spending too much
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shopping can negatively impact one's financial status and the workers' condition.
essay has provided clear points to demonstrate the author's agreement with the statement that shopping causes disadvantages to young adults and nations.
Submitted by Nghỉ hè vui vẻ cả nhà on

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Provide a clearer topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph to ensure the main argument is immediately obvious.
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While the ideas are well-developed, try to include more specific examples to support your points even further.
coherence cohesion
The introduction and conclusion are both well-structured and present clear points about your agreement with the statement.
coherence cohesion
The essay maintains a logical flow and structure, which aids in the overall coherence.
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Key ideas are clearly presented in a comprehensive manner, making your argument easy to follow.

Your opinion

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