You have been selected for a training course on computer skills that you cannot attend. WRITE A LETTER TO YOUR EMPLOYER AND SAY Explain how this training course would help you Why won't you be able to attend it Suggest a way to have that training again

Dear Sir, I am Kiranpreet Kaur, working as a team lead in your company. The reason I am writing to you is about a training event on learning computer skills which I will not be able to attend
due to
personal reasons.
To begin
with, every employee
Change the verb form
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Correct word choice
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someone from their workplace
Fix the infinitive
to guide
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them to apply new applications to improve their productivity. The opportunity provided by you to learn AI
month is a great step to ensure that the staff participates in comprehending newer techniques.
, I have to attend a wedding
month which is an important function because it's the first event for my family. The wedding is of my first cousin who lives in Ontario and I have to take a flight and a week off from work to attend it. In order to participate in the training event, if you can postpone to the next month so that I can attend it too. I really want to take part in
an amazing opportunity to learn something new. I will be grateful to you if you accept my suggestion. Yours faithfully, Kiranpreet Kaur
Submitted by Kiran on

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task achievement
Try to include a clearer explanation of how the training course would help enhance your skills specifically related to AI and your current job responsibilities.
coherence cohesion
Ensure that each paragraph contains a single focused idea to enhance clarity.
task achievement
The tone of the letter is polite and professional, which is suitable for writing to an employer.
coherence cohesion
The letter has clear opening and closing statements, which adds to a well-structured format.
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