Some people think that zoos are all cruel and should be closed down. Others however believe that zoos can be useful in protecting wild animals. Discuss both opinions and give your own opinion.

Many critics insist that
should be closed down because employees' activities on
are cruel.
, proponents opine parks might be useful in the sustainable preservation of fauna owning to better facilitation ecology. I am convinced of the benefit of
for the conservation of endangered species. In
essay, we will discuss both opinions and explain why I absolutely believe that zoological gardens help protect wildlife.
To begin
, there is a general consensus among proponents
that is
artificial environment in zoological centres is better than any ecosphere, which experienced wide-spreading natural habitat loss and climate change.
, these conditions put many kinds of mammals on the brink of extinction,
zoological centres provide facilitation advantageous for the maturing and breeding of wildlife.
For instance
, there is a plethora of endangered
bred in
, including the panda in China and the Sumatran tiger in Asia.
, the artificial condition can generate a suitable environment based on creatures's characteristics and remove almost all potential risks threatening their survival.
For example
, some diminishing
could be matured in the local
before releasing into the environment
as otters and turtles.
, there are many persuasive arguments for why
should be closed.
, opponents cite that
usually suffer cruel activities to domesticate these mammals, zoo keepers usually reward them with a food portion and punish them with a whip leaving them to starvation.
, creatures usually starve because the employees do not provide adequate food products for their wildlife
due to
the lack of financial reaped from selling tickets and the government's subsidizing.
, another factor to review is rough and undesirable conditions. Most
from all over the world provide
with poor circumstances including cages, space limitations, and a lack of habitat.
For instance
, some mammals with hibernation in winter were not provided an appropriate habitat compared to that in nature, especially in loud conversations.
To conclude
, despite some reasons involving the bad living conditions of species including starvation and beating in a small part of
, I still believe that zoological gardens have contributed to the protection of animal species and supported some animal breeding programs, so
area should continue operation.
Submitted by lenam2k1 on

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Make sure to maintain a consistent tone throughout the essay. Occasionally, the essay fluctuates between formal and less formal language. Maintaining a consistent tone will improve readability.
Some minor grammatical errors and awkward phrasing are present. For example, 'experienced wide-spreading natural habitat loss' could be better phrased as 'have experienced widespread natural habitat loss.' Review sentences for conciseness and correct grammar.
Expand on the opposing viewpoint slightly more to balance the essay. While the points in favor of zoos are well-developed, the opposing points could be elaborated further.
The introduction is clear and sets the stage for the essay effectively, mentioning both viewpoints and stating the writer's opinion.
The examples provided are specific and relevant, which helps to back up the points being made.
The essay features a clear structure with distinct paragraphs for different points, contributing to readability and logic flow.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • animal welfare
  • conservation
  • captive breeding
  • habitat
  • ethical issues
  • zoochosis
  • endangered species
  • genetic diversity
  • reintroduction programs
  • wildlife education
  • sanctuary
  • natural living conditions
  • artificial environments
  • behavioral enrichment
  • ecosystem
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