Many countries spend a lot of money on improved transport for urban areas while neglecting rural transport. What are the problems associated with this? What are some possible solutions?

The government seems more interested in investing its budget for
in the cities than in the outskirts.
leads to a problem like the access to the villages are limited. That could be handled by utilizing the possible
between the already-built
and the ongoing one to increase the
there. Too many city-oriented projects especially in
infrastructures can limit entry to the outskirts. Those infrastructures are essential for the outskirts’ accessibility to the downtown.
, limiting that will quarantine the rural areas from outside regions.
due to
that limitation, transporting the supplies there has a lot of challenges.
As a result
, it will reduce the number of available goods in the counties and that could harden their citizens' lives.
For example
, food rarity happened in Papua in 2010
due to
the village-only access being destroyed by an avalanche. Because of that, more than thousands of people died from starvation. That serves as evidence of how crucial
is for them. One solution to prevent that from happening again is to review the state's plans for building
could be done by reviewing the already established entry to the village. That approach could be used as the
to the new
, it will improve the accessibility in the counties. To illustrate that, when the Indonesian government recently had a massive project to connect capital in the Java region. They are
planning to connect already-built automobile
to the new ones,
making a network for both cities and villages nearby.
That is
the reason why they should utilize the available resources for their new project in their plan. In general, the problem caused by too much focus on
projects in the city is limiting the outskirts
. That could be prevented by connecting the already-built
to the ongoing projects.
Submitted by arsyiiimuhammad061 on

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task achievement
Your essay addresses the issue by discussing the problems associated with neglecting rural transport and suggesting a possible solution. However, the introduction could be improved by clearly stating the problems before mentioning the solution. This will give your essay a more structured start.
coherence cohesion
Ensure each point you make is clearly linked to the next. Your essay would benefit from explicit linking phrases and more transitional sentences to guide the reader through your arguments. Currently, some parts feel slightly disconnected.
task achievement
Try to offer more than one solution to the problem discussed. Presenting multiple solutions shows a deeper understanding of the issue and provides a more rounded response.
coherence cohesion
Make sure each paragraph has a clear topic sentence that ties back to the main argument. This will help in maintaining a logical structure and improve cohesion throughout the essay.
task achievement
You provide a relevant and specific example (Papua in 2010), which makes your points more convincing and illustrates the real-world impact of the issue discussed.
coherence cohesion
Your essay is clear and easy to follow overall, with each paragraph dedicated to explaining a specific aspect of the problem and solution.
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