Some people think that it is more beneficial to take part in sports which are played in teams, like football. While other people think that taking part in individual sports is better, like tennis or swimming. Discuss both views and give your own

The debate over whether playing sports as part of a
or as an individual is more effective remains contentious in the realm of sports. It is evident that Assessing the significant impact of each playing style on a player's performance is a challenging task.
play appears to offer greater competitive advantages, some athletes excel when performing individually.
essay seeks to delve into both perspectives.
To begin
sports offer numerous benefits for individuals. One crucial advantage is the promotion of
spirit among teammates, fostering an environment where people can collectively strive towards victory and cultivate a sense of unity, camaraderie, and sportsmanship.
For instance
, in football, where high spirits, solidarity, encouragement, and effective coordination among teammates are essential for scoring goals.
, participating alone can foster motivation and enhance competitiveness among athletes. What’s more, It necessitates the development of self-discipline and self-esteem as individuals undergo rigorous training to achieve success.
, the sense of accomplishment derived from competing fiercely can be a powerful motivator. In conclusion, it is my belief that both
-based and individual physical activities offer distinct experiences for participants and are equally vital in the realm of the game, each providing unique benefits for players.
Submitted by quynhtranhbh on

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relevant specific examples
Enhance the use of specific examples to illustrate your points more clearly. For instance, you could mention specific athletes who excel in team sports and those who excel in individual sports.
logical structure
Improve the logical flow between sentences and paragraphs to ensure a smoother reading experience. Use more linking words and phrases to connect ideas seamlessly.
introduction conclusion present
While the conclusion is present, it could be strengthened by summarizing the main points discussed in the essay. This helps to reinforce your argument and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.
complete response
The essay provides a balanced discussion of both team and individual sports, acknowledging the benefits of each.
introduction conclusion present
The essay ends with a clear conclusion that encapsulates the main viewpoint, providing closure to the discussion.
clear comprehensive ideas
The ideas presented are generally clear and easy to understand, making it accessible for readers.

Fully explain your ideas

To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
    • Sentence 1 - Background statement
    • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
    • Sentence 3 - Thesis
    • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
    • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
    • Sentence 2 - Example
    • Sentence 3 - Discussion
    • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
    • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
    • Sentence 2 - Example
    • Sentence 3 - Discussion
    • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
    • Sentence 1 - Summary
    • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
    • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ »— a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

Topic Vocabulary:
  • cooperation
  • team spirit
  • sense of belonging
  • community
  • leadership
  • trust
  • collective responsibility
  • dependency
  • self-reliance
  • self-discipline
  • goal setting
  • tailored development
  • flexibility
  • social support
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