In the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling inside these vehical will be passenger. Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?

It is undeniable that today's technological advancement has evolved our quality of life and made our lives easier. Among them, driverless cars will be widely used in the future. On
development can bring both positive and negative impacts to individuals. From my perspective,
invention can offer more advantages than disadvantages.
To begin
with, the use of driverless
can attain several benefits for passengers. Significantly, they can experience a high level of convenience as the
are programmed with a controlled limited speed, which definitely can reduce mishaps on the road.
, it can mitigate delays
due to
traffic congestion.
As a consequence
, passengers can arrive at their destinations on time and safely.
In addition
, those cars are quite suitable for travelling long distance
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rather than short distance
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as the driver does not pay attention on his driving along the journey, which is
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of the use of these sorts of
On the other hand
, those automated
can trigger some negative impacts on individuals.
For example
due to
their replacements, thousands of drivers are concerned about their unemployment and job instability in the future. In my opinion, they can upgrade their skill to to next level
as management skills or mechanics which are related to the background knowledge, thereby they can secure their employment in the future.
To sum up
, it can be reiterated that
operated by programs can contribute to both pros and cons in terms of passenger convenience, safety and employment
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, its benefits surpass its negative impacts.
Submitted by ayepwintphyu02 on

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task achievement
Focus on providing more specific examples. This will help to strengthen your argument and make your essay more convincing. For instance, mentioning specific scenarios or studies about the effectiveness of driverless vehicles could be beneficial.
coherence cohesion
Consider diversifying some of your vocabulary and sentence structures. This will make your essay more engaging and demonstrate a higher level of language proficiency.
coherence cohesion
Ensure your arguments flow logically from one to the next, avoiding any repetitive statements. This will enhance the overall readability and coherence of your essay.
introduction conclusion present
Your introduction clearly sets the stage for the discussion and provides a balanced view of the topic.
introduction conclusion present
You have a well-structured conclusion that effectively summarizes the points discussed and reiterates your stance on the issue.
logical structure
Your essay overall presents logical and clear ideas, contributing to the coherence of the text.
complete response
You demonstrate a complete response to the task, addressing both advantages and disadvantages of driverless vehicles.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • autonomous
  • driverless
  • human error
  • congestion
  • mobility
  • independence
  • energy-efficient
  • pollution
  • fossil fuel
  • economic impact
  • infrastructure
  • maintenance
  • insurance
  • psychological benefits
  • hacking
  • data privacy
  • ethical programming
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