Deforestation caused by human activity is happening in many parts of the world, with serious results for the environment. What do you think can be done to solve this problem?

Human activities are responsible for
around the globe, which leads to serious influences on their living environment. From my perspective, I believe
problem could be reduced by applying three possible solutions including sustainable logging policies, afforestation and enforcing financial punishments.
, In order to mitigate
, we could promote sustainable logging practices,
as selective logging and reduced-impact logging, reducing the environmental impact of timber extraction.
In particular
, sustainable logging ensures that only mature
are harvested, leaving younger
to continue absorbing carbon dioxide and supporting the ecosystem. Indeed, almost all the European logging companies,
as Poland's timber, have applied
scheme to meet their productivity and limit
As a result
, by maintaining a careful balance between timber production and forest conservation, we can mitigate the adverse effects of
, reforestation and afforestation initiatives are critical steps in combating
, reforestation involves replanting
in areas that have been previously deforested, helping to restore the ecological balance and biodiversity. Afforestation,
on the other hand
, focuses on planting
in areas that were not previously forested.
, both approaches contribute to carbon sequestration, soil protection, and the preservation of vital habitats.
For example
, some reports by the United Nations have shown that these methods have improved the total forest areas in Brazil to 500 million square kilometres in 2012.
, these efforts not only replenish lost forests but
create new green spaces that benefit the environment and society.
, Effective government regulations and their rigorous enforcement play a central role in curbing
In other words
, governments must establish clear laws and policies aimed at protecting forests and preventing illegal logging. In
explanation, enacting more financial penalties or even imprisonment for those involved in unlawful activities, including illegal logging and land clearance, could help intended logging criminals consider the benefits and consequences.
As a consequence
will reduce the numerous of illegal logging because these criminals worry about imprisonment sentences if they are caught by police officers.
To conclude
, to mitigate
issue, we could encompass these methods to achieve the most effective performance: sustainable logging practices, reforestation and stricter punishment for illegal logging.
Submitted by lenam2k1 on

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Your essay would benefit from slight refinement in sentence structure and vocabulary to ensure a more formal academic tone. For example, avoiding informal language like 'such as' in favor of phrases like 'for instance'.
Ensure that each paragraph flows logically into the next. Although your essay generally has good coherence, the transitions between ideas can be made even smoother.
You have provided a well-structured and organized response, addressing the issues and solutions clearly.
The ideas are supported with relevant examples and evidence, enhancing the strength of your arguments.
Your conclusion effectively summarizes the key points discussed in the essay, providing a sense of closure.
Each paragraph is focused and contributes to the overall argument, showing good coherence and cohesion.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Deforestation
  • Biodiversity
  • Afforestation
  • Reforestation
  • Sustainable/sustainability
  • Urbanization
  • Timber
  • Infrastructure
  • Indigenous populations
  • Climate change
  • Ecosystem services
  • Ecotourism
  • Biodegradable
  • Renewable resources
  • Carbon footprint
  • Conservation
  • Environmental degradation
  • Habitat destruction
  • Enforcement
  • Regulation
  • Awareness campaigns
  • Corporate responsibility
  • Supply chains
  • Illegal logging
  • Satellite monitoring
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