What discovery in the last 100 years has been most beneficial for people in your country?

, the most populous country in the world, had been struggling to feed billions of mouths for centuries until hybrid
was invented.
innovation fundamentally transformed the nation and corroborated the remarkable economic growth that followed in the next two decades. It has not only saved millions of lives but
facilitated the country’s advancement, which makes it the greatest modern innovation in my country.
To begin
with, only ten years before
fecund species came out, Chinese people had just undergone the deadliest catastrophe—the Great Chinese Famine—during which nearly 50 million lives starved to death. The disaster was caused by a wide range of misconduct and nonsensical policies, including poor agricultural techniques and commanding farmers to abandon their lands and switch to iron production. The direct impact was the sheer nationwide population decline, and the long-term consequence was that the fear of starvation morphed into a genetic and inextricable feature embedded in every Chinese citizen. From
on, making
available for everyone became the sole aim of the government. With billions of dollars and uncountable human resources spent on the agricultural sector, the concerted effort
paid off in the year 1972, when a man called Yuan Longping, who would later be remembered as the father of hybrid
, successfully cultivated the new
that fundamentally changed not just
but the world.
For example
, the introduction of
technology has raised
production by 40%, significantly alleviating the food crisis and improving living conditions.
As a result
, most of the younger ones do not know what hunger feels like, and the word famine has been made archaic.
, thanks to the stability underscored by the growing food storage,
entered a period characterised by dynamism and energy in the 1990s, boosting its economic and political influence and becoming a global powerhouse.
, it can be said that the birth of hybrid
was the watershed between the decline and rise of the country. In summary, the innovation of hybrid
is the greatest domestic accomplishment that has ever been achieved in centuries because it facilitates social and economic development and nearly eliminates hunger in
Submitted by yanjinru0827 on

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coherence cohesion
The essay has a clear and logical structure, with a strong introduction and conclusion that summarize the main points effectively.
task achievement
The essay provides a thorough response to the task, covering significant historical context and the direct effects of the innovation.
task achievement
Specific examples, such as Yuan Longping's contribution and statistical data on rice production, add credibility and relevance to the arguments made.
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