In many countries, more and more people choose to buy imported food rather than food produced locally. Why people buy imported food? What could be done to encourage people buy local food?

At present, an increasing number of nations prefer purchasing international cuisines than local ones,
that is
because of the convenience of transport and revolution making foreign
become more and more widespread for the population around the world
To begin
with, there are various reasons why people choose
from other countries
of national
. First of all,
it is clear that
commerce between other regions develops strongly in the technological world with high-tech techniques, so delivering imported
tends not to struggle with several systems effectively
as planes, ships, … etc.
, society now is turning to globalization and welcoming foreign visitors.
In other words
, individuals have a tendency to make new friends via a screen of computers or smartphones,
they desire to research distinctive cultures by trying plenty of exotic cuisines in order to enrich their knowledge
On the other hand
, it is a common belief that local
plays a crucial role in life.
of consuming processed
for a long time, people ought to intake nutrient meals directly at home or traditional restaurants to ensure that it is really cost-effective for their finances.
It is clear that
absorbing national cuisines not only has a positive effect on their health, especially digestion but
fosters economic growth. Take the example of people buying only Vietnamese
for their meals, it is the perfect way for them to avoid having perishable
, a nation may turn into developing if it does not waste the budget for several things that are imported
To sum up
, importing foreign
is inevitable if the governments cannot meet the demand for residents. For these reasons, consuming exotic
is sometimes necessary, but it should be in emergency situations

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task achievement
Try to provide more specific and varied examples to illustrate your points, as this adds depth to your essay.
coherence cohesion
Ensure that your conclusion directly reflects the points made in the essay and ties everything together neatly.
coherence cohesion
Focus on improving your transitions between paragraphs and between points within paragraphs. This will make the essay flow more smoothly and be easier to follow.
coherence cohesion
Your essay has a clear structure with a discernible introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
task achievement
You have addressed both parts of the prompt, discussing why people buy imported food and how to encourage the purchase of local food.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • allure
  • novelty
  • diversity
  • perception
  • premium
  • globalization
  • cuisines
  • economic factors
  • subsidies
  • tariffs
  • competitive
  • farm-to-table
  • eco-conscious
  • consumption
  • sustainability
  • local economy
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