In many cities, an increasing number of people do not know their neighbors and the sense of community is lost. Discuss the causes and give measures to turn it around.

It is considered that
due to
the development of society, a range of individuals do not get on well with the nearest for granted.
writer supposes that the relationships among
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plays a pivotal role in daily life and gives some main reasons to explain.
To begin
with the main cause of
change, people tend to concentrate on making a living in order to serve their demands despite losing connection with the people around them. To clarify
point, because of the competition in possessing high-salary jobs, humans put all of their efforts into working to prevent being eliminated.
, with the appearance of robots, the ratio of unemployed is increasing significantly, affecting seriously our society.
For example
, artificial intelligence
as chat GPT or Grammarly is capable of replacing employees whose jobs are office workers or journalists with their pre-programmed knowledge.
, working excessively in hustle and bustle cities provides humans with a sense of isolation that makes them not want to care about their neighbours, who likely support them in difficult situations. To tackle
problem, individuals should take part in social activities to foster the relationship between neighbours. To explain, those events create chances for residents to communicate and get on well with people around them by sharing hobbies
as dancing or singing.
For instance
, the Tet holiday is an ideal festival for neighbours to gather and give their opinions about living standards or public services in their regions throughout the year.
, there are various ways to foster the bond among humans, bridging the gap in society. In conclusion,
due to
the improvement of the globe, residents are focusing on their lives and neglecting others.
, individuals whose hectic schedules have to spend more time building their social relationships.
Submitted by [email protected] on

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coherence cohesion
Your essay should have a more structured approach with clear paragraphs. Consider having one paragraph for causes and another one for measures.
coherence cohesion
The conclusion needs to summarize the main points clearly. Try to restate the causes and measures mentioned in the body of the essay.
task achievement
Provide more specific examples to support your points. This will help in making your arguments more convincing.
Some sentences are a bit unclear due to grammatical errors. Pay attention to sentence construction and verb agreements.
task achievement
You have attempted to answer the question comprehensively by discussing both causes and measures.
task achievement
The essay shows a good understanding of the topic and the importance of community relationships.
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