Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods re- flect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

At the moment, society's needs are not reflected through sold things; it is the power of advertising that plays a significant role in the high selling rate of consumer goods. I do not agree with the statement because
preferably through the list of primary and secondary needs and advertisement only supports as a communication bridge from the producers to the consumers. The sold
indicate the public's needs. Generally,
trend comes from the research in one of the popular universities in the United States of America which said that
always prioritize their needs by three categories, primary, secondary, and tertiary. The desire to have some
is often put aside to fulfil their primary first.
For instance
, parents prefer prioritizing diapers for their baby first rather than following their want to have an ice cream.
is because diapers are their primary and the latter is just a complementary.
, the
that have already been sold reflect the society's necessary requirements.
sometimes, as a bridge to get customers aware of some product, an advertisement is required to be carried out. Advertisements,
on the other hand
, indeed influenced their audiences through call-to-action methods to convert their curiosity into ownership.
, nowadays, their target market has fully understood that it is just a trick of marketing. Critical thinking and mindset are needed indisputably prior to having the
, any kind of advertisement, recently, only counts as a way to communicate with the audience in order to make them know and aware of the products. Just like the Biore body soap in convenience stores as an example, they advertise their product on social media,
, their selling rate is stable since
know it is just a different type of body wash, they could have the cheapest one as long it is still a bar of soap. In conclusion, The writer does not agree with the initial argument.
, these days, prefer to buy things based on their categorized needs.
, they
know that there are call-to-action marketing methods in advertising,
, they are always critical and do the thinking before buying.
Submitted by bram.admiral on

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task achievement
Try to provide more specific examples to support your main points. This will make your argument stronger and more persuasive.
coherence and cohesion
Some sentences are slightly confusing or awkward. Ensure that each point is clear and flows logically from one to the next.
coherence and cohesion
You have a clear introduction and conclusion, which nicely frame your argument.
task achievement
Your essay addresses all parts of the task, discussing both the influence of advertising and consumer needs.
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