Earlier technological developments brought more benefits and changed the lives of ordinary people more than recent technological developments. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

There is no doubt that technology has permeated every aspect of our
. The ubiquity of modern devices has been instrumental in the remarkable improvement in living standards over the past few decades.
, some people argue that truly groundbreaking
are behind us, and the benefits of the latest technologies pale in comparison to those of old.
may be true to some extent, I believe the nature of the changes created by recent technological advancement is different, and
it is pointless to compare the two. It is understandable why some people subscribe to the view that early technologies were more life-changing.
due to
the unprecedented leap in productivity and, by extension, wealth that these
brought about.
For example
, earth-shattering inventions
as electricity and automobiles allowed humans to exponentially increase their production output and meaningfully improve their living standards.Given the radical changes created by these technologies, it seems sensible why many are saying that the latest
can not match the ones conceived early on.
, notwithstanding the vast improvement in people’s
that early technological progress helped generate, I would be imprudent to undermine the contribution of our latest breakthroughs.
the increase in work efficiency that they offer may seem marginal, new
have drastically transformed other aspects of our
For instance
, the advent of the Internet has ushered in an era where knowledge is at everybody’s disposal, and medical developments have markedly increased human life expectancy. Human
do not
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around wealth alone, and these improvements are equally important to society. In Conclusion, I am convinced that both early and recent progress in technology contributes to the betterment
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, but their magnitude can not be compared.
Submitted by Nghỉ hè vui vẻ cả nhà on

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task achievement
Ensure that all main points are fully supported with detailed evidence and examples. While your examples of early technology are strong, the section discussing recent technologies could be expanded to include more specific and varied instances.
coherence cohesion
Although the essay is well-structured with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, some transitions between points could be made smoother. Try to use a variety of linking words to better connect ideas and guide the reader through your arguments.
introduction conclusion present
Your introduction effectively sets up the essay and clearly presents your viewpoint. It shows a good understanding of the topic and prepares the reader for the arguments to come.
complete response
You have addressed the task effectively by discussing both sides of the argument and providing your own perspective. This balanced approach demonstrates a good comprehension of the topic.
logical structure
The essay is logically structured and follows a clear progression of ideas from introduction to conclusion. Each paragraph has a clear focus and contributes to the overall argument.
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