Many university students feel literature boring and unnecessary. Why is this case? Is there any benefit for this?

There is a fact that several higher education
tedious and unessential. From the perspective of the writer, the primary cause for
comes from the teacher systems but it has many beneficial effects on human lives.
, it is apparent that the crucial reason regards the quality of teachers at schools. Indeed, an engaging teacher who can energize the class or even has in-depth knowledge and teaching skills has more abilities to make
have more interest in
In contrast
, an inexperienced teacher does not have enough teaching skills and methods and simply teaches their
based on the predefined plan.
As a result
, their enthusiasm for
field of study will decline in the long term and even become their hated subject. Take the Vietnamese education systems in the past as an example,
according to
many surveys recently, there was over 70% of
due to
the poor standard of teachers. Regarding the advantage of
subject, it can be seen that
can broaden student’s horizons in different ways. To clarify, in the science world, the researchers are just aware of everything as its nature like a cat is a normal animal with four legs and smooth fur.
, in the artistic world, it is not only considered a friendly friend but
seems to be a hero or a symbol of a culture.
, through
can gain deeper insights into the world so it will be useful for them to manage lots of difficult circumstances in the near future.
To sum up
, the main reason for
issue is the quality of teachers at school.
, if
as their favourite subject, they can have a widespread perspective.
Submitted by Nghỉ hè vui vẻ cả nhà on

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task achievement
While the essay answers the prompt adequately, there are moments where the clarity of ideas can be improved. For instance, the explanation for why teachers are seen as the primary cause could be more concise.
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Adding more specific examples and evidence can make your arguments more compelling and credible. For instance, citing studies or anecdotes can help substantiate your points.
coherence cohesion
Ensure that each paragraph flows logically from one to the next. For instance, using linking words and phrases can help to guide the reader through your argument more smoothly.
coherence cohesion
The essay introduces and concludes the topics well. Keep this strong point while also working on ensuring that the introduction clearly sets up the primary points you will discuss later.
coherence cohesion
The introduction and conclusion are clearly present, summarizing and framing the essay well.
task achievement
The essay attempts to support its arguments with relevant examples, which adds depth to the discussion.
task achievement
You successfully recognize both sides of the topic—why literature may be seen as boring and what benefits it holds.
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