The majority of news is being reported bad news such as wars, famines, accidents, and crime. Why do you think that is? Do you think news should be balanced with good news and bad news?

In some periods, more journal channels tend to focus on negative events rather than highlighting moral and honourable moments.
, in my opinion, explains why people are more attracted to pessimistic
, I firmly believe that journalists should write both good and bad
objectively. Regarding the increasing number of bad
in influential newspapers,
trend is primarily driven by the attempt to meet public interest. Admittedly, the crowd is interested in bad
as traffic accidents, earthquakes, or severe criminal cases, which indicates that we appreciate negative
, a medical report has shown that our brain has a negativity bias, an original instinct that helps us understand and grasp adverse surrounding events to prepare for sudden, life-threatening circumstances.
For example
, more people have learned essential first aid and escape skills from recent apartment fires.
, I still believe that journalists in top-tier magazines should balance good and bad
objectively, as
would lead to a more optimistic world where people have greater belief in their community and society.
, multimedia should focus more on the daily achievements of local communities, which encourages citizens to participate in volunteer activities or environmental programs.
, I believe that positive
is the cornerstone of any human civilization because the development of a society is assessed by the total number of kind deeds. A report has shown a positive correlation between the number of good deeds and the development of a nation.
To conclude
, the phenomenon of focusing on bad
is caused by efforts to catch the crowd’s attention with negative headlines.
, I believe in the importance of balancing
with good
to benefit society.
Submitted by lenam2k1 on

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