Today more people are overweight than ever before. What in your opinion are the primary causes of this? What measures can be taken to overcome this epidemic?

Nowadays numerous
buckle with obesity which can lead to disrupting their daily lives. The causes of
appear to be focused on two areas, and a number of solutions
appear to be possible. Few topics are more important than overweight these days. Obesity is an issue that can occur for everyone in different situations. A well-known cause is in increasing comfort
. By
, we mean that substances in fast
can impair good physical conditions and cause a lot of fatness in body shape. A
well-known cause is folklore prefer to relax in their off time
of being active.
For example
, if
chose a sedentary
they would be fat day by day. A long-term solution is for society to buy free-range meats
of battery chicken which has detrimental impacts on the body
as fatness and can alter their body shape to have good physical condition.
For instance
, folks can have vegetables
their foods which have minerals and vitamins that are essential for health and growth. A second remedy might be about the society. communities should change their
should push themselves to be more active
of choosing passive hobbies. An example can be seen, if
had a mobility
they would not get in trouble with being overweight and they would not become couch potatoes. In conclusion, fast
and a sedentary
appear to be the main causes of obesity. The key solution would be eating healthy
and being physically agile.
Submitted by TUTOO on

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