‎ Some young people leave the countryside to live in cities or towns, leaving only ‎older people in the countryside. What are the problems of this issue? What can ‎be done to solve this problem?‎

It is said that increasingly more young adults are migrating to metropolis which causes the problem of urban sprawling
as well as
lack of public services in some
,if there were more work amenities in the
problem would be tackled. With an upward trend in the number of young coming to urban
, there would definitely be a housing shortage.
In other words
seeking job opportunities and making progress in professional aspects, people are more likely to settle down in the
once they have already earned enough money on the grounds that there are more educational
together with
recreational facilities in these places. With that said
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many more buildings must be set up in order to cope with the drastically rising population, leading to construction surrounding the central
via the destruction of every natural habitat or breathtaking landscape around. Imbalanced priority in public facilities should
be taken into consideration when it comes to the city population accounting for way more than the rural one. To put it simply, the more dense an area is, the more subsidy it gets from the governments in terms of building social services
as hospitals and schools.
without a great potential for growing from the youth, the
is going to be left behind during the whole nation's developing process. Take China
for instance
, even though the capital of Beijing and its neighbours are well developed, the mountainous
have been ignored for decades as there were not enough young adults to work there. By promoting the
, the governments can address
due to
the fact that the young will no longer have to move to the
so as to have a career. To be more specific, were firms to receive governmental funds to open businesses in more remote
, the costs of transporting goods would be cut back on, ultimately leading to more competitive pricing.
, as the living standards are relatively low, these companies could pay the rural citizens less than normal which will reduce to total sum even
As a consequence
of locating factories in remote
, businessmen will get many benefits back in turn, whilst people will have more jobs spontaneously. In conclusion, even though more and more people moving to metropolitan regions brings the expansion of
and the insufficiency of social amenities in the
, by prioritising the rural
the governments can fix these issues.
Submitted by Nghỉ hè vui vẻ cả nhà on

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Linking words for giving examples:

  • for example
  • for instance
  • to illustrate this
  • to give a clear example
  • such as
  • namely
  • to illustrate
  • take, for example

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