Many people join online learning programs and study at home, but some people think that it cannot bring the same benefit as attending colleges or universities does. Do you agree or disagree? Use good reasons and examples

Due to
the advancement of technology, people prefer to study at home rather than go to the universities.
, it is believed by some that learning at home does not have the same advantages as attending the institutes . I completely agree with the statement and I will shed light on
in upcoming paragraphs.
To begin
with, attending college helps pupils to interact with teachers and other fellow students face to face.
, it is the perfect opportunity to socialize with peers, professors and industrial professionals which can lead to valuable connections and collaborations.
In addition
, these interactions often occur in libraries, events, computer labs, classrooms, and canteens fostering a sense of community and belonging.
For example
, group activities conducted in schools bring them together, and extracurricular activities make you a team player and enhance personal growth.
, it makes you an active, punctual, and disciplined person as compared to online classes which make people lazy and weak. The universities provide access to various types of resources in the same place which are often not available for online learners.
For example
, in libraries, students can find all types of books, journals, biographies and many more. The laptop and computers are available for everyone, free printers are provided in certain universities.
Along with
, the educational institutes bring management, moral values, and leadership qualities and students can participate in sports, and join student clubs which helps the holistic growth of an individual. The professors can provide immediate feedback and support which can enhance understanding and retention of the material. In conclusion, online classes do bring flexibility and convenience, but they cannot fully replicate the benefits of traditional schooling methods which provide access to unlimited resources and help in
growth by teaching valuable and moral lessons.
Submitted by manjeetsandhu1999 on

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task achievement
Your essay has a good structure and each paragraph targets a specific point, which is excellent. However, consider adding a counter-argument paragraph to show a balanced perspective before reaffirming your stance in the conclusion.
task achievement
While your ideas are clear, some sentences can be more concise to improve readability. For example, 'The universities provide access to various types of resources in the same place which are often not available for online learners' can be simplified for better clarity.
coherence cohesion
Sentence transitions are generally smooth, but adding more linking words like 'Moreover' and 'Therefore' can further enhance cohesion. For example, between the second and third paragraphs.
task achievement
Your essay presents a clear position at the beginning and maintains it throughout, which is very strong.
task achievement
You provided relevant examples that effectively support your main points, particularly about the benefits of in-person interactions and facilities available at universities.
coherence cohesion
Your conclusion effectively summarizes the main points discussed in your essay, reinforcing your argument.
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