Write a letter to the local council about plans to close a children's playground in your area. In your letter, you should: 1) Say why children are not using the playground. 2) Explain how important the playground is for the local community. 3)Suggest how the playground could be improved.

Dear Sir or Madam, As a long-term resident of Oakville City, I am writing to you to express my opposition to the proposed closure of the play
situated on Dundas Street and to suggest how it might be improved for the benefit of local children. It is true that few currently use the facilities, but
that is
because they are old and poorly maintained.
For example
, two of the swings are broken, the climbing frame is rusty and the
at the foot of the slide is always muddy. We should not forget,
, that many young families live in that
, and their offspring need a space where they can enjoy outdoor recreation
of spending their time in front of screens. I would suggest that the council not only repairs what is currently there but
modernise the
by installing new recreational facilities,
as a playhouse for younger children and a climbing wall for older ones. Investing in our children's social and physical well-being in
way can only lead to a better future for our community. Yours faithfully, Harry Alex
Submitted by brishjot999 on

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task achievement
Consider including specific examples or testimonials from other residents to further strengthen your argument about the playground's importance.
task achievement
You might want to briefly mention any previous efforts or attempts by the community to improve or maintain the playground to show ongoing engagement.
coherence cohesion
The letter is very well-structured and logically organized, making it easy to follow the points made.
greeting and closing
The introduction and closing are professionally done, contributing to the formal tone appropriate for this context.
single idea per paragraph
Each paragraph focuses on a single main idea, effectively enhancing readability and coherence.
task achievement
The writing tone is suitable and respectful, fitting the purpose of the letter well.
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