Some people think that it will be the one of the best ways to solve the environment problems to increase the cost of fuel for cars and others vehicles. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

It is thought that increasing the value of
is one among other good solutions to address environmental problems.
author believes that raising the cost probably leads to an increase in trading expenses
as well as
intensive domestic farming practices. It should be acknowledged that fossil
plays an important role in transporting goods,
trading. If the price of export surges
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, there will be a significant decline in the variety of products because small manufacturers are not able to afford them or the value of those products is too costly.
As a result
, there will be a crisis in international business as foreign import sales will plummet and many factors
as crime, riots or even wars
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demand that global commerce be returned to its original state.
For example
, the ban on fossil
transportation in certain areas of Europe received niggardly negative comments and riots before being removed after only a few months. Another point worth mentioning is that every country will have to find a way to feed its citizens through intensive agriculture.
is because , with limited options from foreign imports, people will seek local products which raises the demand for domestic farming.
, fertilizers
as well as
pesticides have to be applied in order to satisfy the request of feeding the population
along with
the new ones in the future.
trend will result in higher amounts of greenhouse gases which deteriorate the environment from which the restriction of gasoline consumption is supposed to protect.
According to
research in Vietnam, it needs a considerable of fertilizers in order to feed its citizens only
more would be needed in order to export internationally. In conclusion, restricting gasoline use will cause a commercial crisis worldwide
as well as
demand in internal agriculture. Henceforth, the act of banning
for environmental protection should be considered more.
Submitted by [email protected] on

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Ensure that your ideas are clearly expressed and easy to follow. There are some convoluted sentences that could be simplified.
Expand on your ideas with more specific examples to support your arguments. This will make your points stronger.
Avoid using overly complex language that can obscure your meaning. Focus on clarity and precision.
While your essay has a clear introduction and conclusion, make sure the conclusion succinctly summarizes your main points.
Your essay demonstrates a good understanding of the topic and provides a well-rounded discussion of the issues.
You have included an introduction and conclusion, which helps structure your essay well.
Your arguments are logically organized and lead well into one another.

Your opinion

Don’t put your opinion unless you are asked to give it.

If the question asks what you think, you MUST give your opinion to get a good score.

Don’t leave your opinion until the conclusion.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • carbon emissions
  • public transport
  • fuel-efficient
  • electric vehicles
  • renewable energy
  • green technologies
  • disproportionately affect
  • commuting
  • infrastructure development
  • cycling and walking
  • deforestation
  • industrial pollution
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