Some people believe that certain old buildings should be preserved more than others. what type of old buildings should be preserved. Do you think the advantages of preserving old buildings outweigh the disadvantages

Certain ancient structures are a testament to the rich history and cultural heritage of specific communities around the world.Some people opine that these structures should be safeguarded more than others. I believe that historical landmarks of cultural significance should be preserved and
essay will explain how the benefits of doing so surpass the associated drawbacks. First and foremost,some historical buildings have become the cultural identity of a certain population and these buildings should be preserved.
is because
evoke a sense of belonging and pride among people of that community within a given population.Many Hindu temples are,
for instance
, UNESCO World Heritage
and strict guidelines are followed to maintain and conserve them.
helps in creating a positive social environment, keeping age-old traditions and customs alive.
, it aids in educating the younger generation about their strong ties to the past, and
, imbibes respect among them for their ancestors' who sacrificed their lives to protect and sustain their community.
, the idea of heritage preservation holds great significance.
, restoration of these ancient
requires highly skilled masons, artisans, and wood carvers, and involves exorbitantly priced material and labour, which makes the restoration process prohibitively expensive.
process can create an excessive burden on the national budget.
, these opulent
attract numerous tourists and architectural enthusiasts worldwide, generating thousands of dollars for the local economy. Mecca,
for instance
, a city of vast history has great religious significance for Muslims and it witnesses millions of pilgrims every year which immensely benefits the tourism and hospitality industry. The resources earned, in return, are sufficient enough to shoulder the overwhelming cost of maintaining these ancient archaeological wonders. In conclusion,
the cost associated with preserving and maintaining certain ancient buildings can be exorbitant,
drawback alone does not shadow its significant economic implications and cultural relevance.
Submitted by shaffyaroraca on

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task achievement
Consider providing a more clear thesis statement in the introduction, summarizing the main reasons why preserving certain buildings is beneficial.
task achievement
Try to further develop the counterargument to show that you have considered it more deeply.
coherence cohesion
Work on using a wider range of linking devices to connect ideas more fluidly.
coherence cohesion
Ensure there are no abrupt transitions between paragraphs to maintain a smooth flow throughout your essay.
task achievement
You have provided specific examples such as UNESCO World Heritage sites and Mecca to support your points, which strengthens your argument.
coherence cohesion
Your essay has a clear introduction and conclusion which effectively frame your argument.
coherence cohesion
Main ideas are well-supported and logically developed throughout the essay.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • preservation
  • architectural heritage
  • cultural significance
  • historical value
  • conservation
  • heritage sites
  • monuments
  • iconic buildings
  • tangible history
  • economic benefits
  • technological advancements
  • educational value
  • tourism industry
  • identity and continuity
  • construction techniques
  • social norms
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