Some scientist thinks that there are intelligent life forms on other planets and messages should be sent to contact them. Other scientists think it is a bad idea and would be dangerous, Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

A group of
present the view that there might be intelligent life forms in the entire galaxy,
is a bad opinion and can have significant effects. I strongly agree with the former one. On the one hand, some
justifiably argue that establishing communication with aliens from
could give us access to unimagined knowledge and resources.
In addition
exploration might lead to solutions to some of our planet's problems
as diseases and environmental issues.
worth mentioning that
suggest that there could be other civilizations in our galaxy that we might be able to communicate with. From an educational viewpoint, trying to improve communication between cultures and countries would be more useful for mankind. From an economic perspective,
exploration creates countless job opportunities and
is beneficial for society.
On the other hand
, another group of
claim that contacting intelligent extraterrestrial life is the possibility of posing a security threat to humanity. These extraterrestrial beings might have advanced technologies that could potentially be used to harm or dominate humanity. Another reason to be cautious is the unpredictability of extraterrestrial intentions. If the messages are intercepted by civilizations with malevolent intentions, it could lead to unwanted consequences,
as colonization or other forms of exploitation.
, I do not find
argument convincing as discovering new facts about the world is worth trying.
To conclude
, in my view, we should explore around the galaxy and discover new things.
, xenophobia can have damaging effects on cultural diversity. establishing communication with aliens from
could give us access to unimagined knowledge and resources.
, discovering new facts about the world is worth trying.
Submitted by jbl1541374 on

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task achievement
Provide specific examples to support main points, such as historical analogies, scientific studies, or hypothetical scenarios.
coherence cohesion
Ensure logical progression between ideas, using appropriate linking words to enhance readability and coherence.
coherence cohesion
The essay has a clear structure with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
task achievement
Main points are adequately supported, though more specific examples could strengthen the argument.
task achievement
The essay addresses both views, which shows a clear and comprehensive response to the prompt.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • extraterrestrial
  • technological advancement
  • human progress
  • exchange of knowledge
  • pressing problems
  • environmental issues
  • broadening of humanity’s horizon
  • external existence
  • collaborative
  • security threat
  • dominate
  • unpredictability
  • malevolent intentions
  • colonization
  • exploitation
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