Some people say that advertising is extremely successful at persuading us to buy things. Other people think that advertising is so common that we no longer pay attention to it. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

In the present era, whether
are effective in human life or not, is a matter of controversy. From my perspective, advertising has benefited
’s lives in several ways. Propagandas have been a pivotal factor in human desires. To commence with,
to get familiar with various products. To clarify, individuals can become aware of the function of each commodity and choose the
which is more appealing to their requirements and can better satisfy their desires. Take shoe manufacturers as an illustration. If an athlete wants to opt for suitable shoes for his major, he can take advantage of advertisement guidelines. To simplify, if he is a bodybuilder, the training shoes will be the best option for him because they mitigate the inevitable strain on
Correct article usage
the lumbar
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, these ads not only will inform
about options which suit them better, but
prevent probable injuries to their bodies.
On the other hand
, opponents claim that unexpected ads are completely irritating.
means that, when
confront an immense number of
, they will get annoyed immediately. To exemplify, pop-up ads are
of the central distractions when
is working with a PC.
That is
, pop-ups and mistakenly clicking them in the middle of working or studying can end up losing track of time.
of the main reasons why
try to steer clear most of undemanding
To conclude
there are both positive and negative points in advertising, I am intensely convinced that the flowering of
has played a key role in human life.
Submitted by aradzandieh.dvm on

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To improve your coherence and cohesion, consider using linking words and phrases more effectively to ensure that different parts of your essay connect smoothly. For instance, you can use phrases like 'Additionally,' 'Moreover,' and 'In contrast' to better link your ideas.
task achievement
Your task response is strong, but there is room for improvement in making your argument more compelling. Try to add a counterargument in each paragraph to strengthen your stance. For instance, in the paragraph about annoying ads, you could briefly acknowledge that some people may find pop-ups informational.
You have a clear introduction and conclusion, framing your essay well. This contributes significantly to your essay's coherence and cohesion.
task achievement
The main points of your essay are well-supported with relevant and specific examples, such as the example of shoe manufacturers. This enhances the quality of your task achievement.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • persuade
  • promote
  • attract
  • influence
  • impact
  • consumerism
  • commercialism
  • market
  • product
  • brand
  • endorsement
  • manipulative
  • saturated
  • overwhelmed
  • repetitive
  • distracting
  • irrelevant
  • exaggerated
  • misleading
  • desensitized
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