task 2: Some cities have vehicle-free days when private cars, trucks and motorcycles are banned from the city center. People are encouraged to use public transportation such as buses, taxis and metro on vehicle-free days. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

The concept of implementing
when private transportation is prevented from entering the city
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is being held by many metropolises.
admittedly has certain inconveniences, I would believe that these are overshadowed by the advantages. On the one hand, applying
schemes on particular
can be negative to a certain extent. One legitimate concern is the flexibility of individuals.
means that
of timing freedom in movements, residents have to be dependent on a fixed schedule of public transport
as buses or trams, rendering them less content or even annoyed. Another disadvantage that can not be overlooked is interrupting the transporting process of trucks from external areas, especially containers that transport building materials.
may result in deceleration of projects.
On the other hand
, I am convinced that the aforementioned disadvantages pale in significance when compared to the positive aspects of cities’ restriction of personal cars, motorbikes, and trucks. Foremost among these benefits is that cities witnessed a reduction in both atmosphere and noise pollution. When using buses,
for example
, it means lowering not only emissions but
earsplitting sounds from personal vehicles, which account for one of the most serious factors in causing environmental problems.
help to decrease petrol consumed by conventional fueled cars and bikes. For many people, sharing a bus or tram can escalate into creating healthy habits among citizens that they use public transport without hesitations after benefiting from them. In conclusion, despite certain drawbacks of banning trucks, cars and motorcycles for the sake of
, I contend that the advantages are far more pronounced.
Submitted by mylinhlee27 on

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task achievement
Try to include a few more relevant examples to strengthen your argument. For example, you could mention specific cities that have successfully implemented vehicle-free days and the positive impacts experienced.
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Consider varying your vocabulary slightly more, particularly when discussing the advantages and disadvantages. This will help keep the essay engaging.
task achievement
The essay effectively addresses the topic and provides a clear stance, demonstrating a complete response.
coherence cohesion
The introduction and conclusion are well articulated, framing the essay neatly and providing a sense of closure.
coherence cohesion
Main points are well supported and logically structured, making the essay cohesive and easy to follow.
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