In the future, it is expected that there will be a higher proportion of older people in some countries. Is this positive or negative development?

Nowadays, the percentage of the elderly is steadily going up in many countries in the world. There is no doubt that the benefits of
trend are totally for our society because not only
Wrong verb form
does it express
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the medical level in these countries but
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also gets
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lots of
from older
to the young. The medical level is developing every single day at present. Many modern equipment are generated to cure life-threatening illnesses which were not available in the past few decades.
For example
, today,
who get cancer will live longer than in the past through much more sophisticated items of technology.
, the health care service in every country is
growing gradually. The elderly will get better
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or good policies from the government and society.
For instance
, Japan has the highest
Correct your spelling
life expectancy
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in the world as older
take a lot of carefulness including mental and physical health. Another key point I think is that the elderly have more living
to teach young
. It is not denied that the previous generations have lots of knowledge in different fields in life.
, the young generations can acquire these
to support their life and confront difficulties, some stressful situations and so on.
In addition
, old
are the best listeners, the young can share their struggles and get appeasements. Sometimes all one needs is the feeling of attachment to somebody who might help them and give a proper piece of advice. In conclusion, the number of older
which is rising in most parts of the world
Verb problem
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totally positive effects on society. It proves the improvement of medicine and the diversity of living
we have.
Submitted by huyentrang712 on

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task achievement
Try to further elaborate on how the increase in the proportion of older people directly correlates with the benefits discussed. For example, link the medical advancements and experiences more explicitly to the positive impacts on society.
coherence cohesion
Ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs to maintain a well-organized structure. This will improve the flow of the essay and make your argument more cohesive.
task achievement
You provided a clear response to the task and addressed the question directly by focusing on the benefits of an aging population.
coherence cohesion
The essay includes a clear introduction and conclusion, which nicely frame your argument.
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