Knowledge and intelligence are the crucial factor
ofChange preposition
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. Some
say that
individual'sCorrect article usage
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knowledge comes from their parent's
others think that the surroundings play an important role
toChange preposition
show examples
being an intellectual
personsCorrect the article-noun agreement
show examples
essay discusses both viewpoints and I think
environmentAdd an article
show examples
is the most accountable for
On the one hand,
is inherited from their relatives and parents.
means family
help to
beingChange the verb form
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intellectualAdd an article
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like their family members.
runningChange preposition
show examples
theCorrect article usage
show examples
family business
be Unnecessary verb
show examples
an Correct article usage
show examples
intellectual because of their
in order to hold their family business without affecting
reputationsCorrect pronoun usage
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,Remove the comma
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can transfer from family members who succeed in family.
, surrounding places and
can influence
to Change preposition
show examples
others to become an
intelligenceReplace the word
show examples
means some
usually are
the Correct article usage
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personFix the agreement mistake
show examples
they Correct pronoun usage
show examples
have some kind of
talentsFix the agreement mistake
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meanwhile they transfer talents and knowledge to others through
educationalReplace the word
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and training.
, numerous successful
crickCorrect your spelling
show examples
players have
ownCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
sports academy for helping
to acquire talents through coaching.
, it is
proveCorrect your spelling
show examples
that anyone become an intellectual
personsCorrect the article-noun agreement
show examples
a Remove the article
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proper guidance
with Change preposition
show examples
In conclusion,
is transferred from
familyAdd an article
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gene, so they become a successful
in society, anyone
becomeCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
an intellectual individual through education and coaching.
, I think the environment factor is the most responsible
to obtainChange preposition
show examples
because talent is unique and it does not come from family