Many people think cheap air travel should be encouraged because it gives ordinary people freedom to travel further. However, others think this leads to environmental problems, so air travel should be more expensive in order to discourage people from having it. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

In the modern
, travelling has become easier by flying.
some people believe
is the most convenient way to explore the
and budget
make prices so affordable for the middle class, others oppose that boarding air transportation creates environmental unsustainability,
should raise their prices, so travellers have second thoughts when purchasing tickets.
essay will discuss the abovementioned matters before presenting my agreement on the former. On the one hand,
are the most essential and time-effective way for holiday-takers to travel to their designed destinations. As
are competing with their rivals in terms of sales,
directly benefits plane-takers. It provides more opportunities for people to travel around the globe.
, we live in a fast-paced era, where technology develops daily. Engineers all over the
are working together to apply aerodynamics and create more sustainable aeroplanes so they can emit less carbon dioxide. Research from the University of Sydney states that 90% of travellers come to and exit Australia via aircraft as it is quite isolated from the
, it is vital to have a large amount of jets arriving and departing the country.
On the other hand
, the environment is certainly a matter that should be considered, when it comes to tourism.
in particular
, travelling by flight.
are liable for a huge number of CO2 emissions every year,
, it makes sense that authorities
Add a missing verb
are concern
show examples
Replace the word
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about its negative effects. When it comes to travelling domestically, individuals should be encouraged to take alternative options rather than
, airline companies should increase their fares for gatekeeping purposes so locals opt for another option.
In particular
, the driving duration is about 3 hours from Sydney to Canberra. There are direct flights between these 2 destinations, which is about 45 minutes. In
should make tickets more expensive so travellers can take roads
. In conclusion,
play an important part in everyone’s life, whether it is travelling for holidays or work.
number of plane-takers cannot be reduced, governments and private organisations should work together to balance
issue and aim for sustainability.
Submitted by midden-02.tore on

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clear comprehensive ideas
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relevant specific examples
Provide more specific examples to make your arguments more compelling. Try to use data or anecdotal evidence to support your points better.
logical structure
Though your essay has a good structure, refining the logical flow between sentences would make it more seamless. Pay attention to the connections between main points and subpoints.
introduction conclusion present
The essay provides a clear introduction and conclusion, helping to set the stage and wrap up the discussion effectively.
complete response
Your arguments touch on key aspects of the debate, showing a good understanding of both sides. The discussion is balanced and comprehensive.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Democratic travel
  • Global diversity
  • Economic benefits
  • Service sector
  • Educational travel
  • International relationships
  • Carbon emissions
  • Global warming
  • Climate crisis
  • Overtourism
  • Infrastructure
  • Cultural heritage
  • Sustainable aviation
  • Carbon offset
  • Global inequality
  • Airline industry
  • Economic downturn
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