Some people believe that children can learn effectively by watching TV and they should be encouraged to watch TV both at home and school. To what extent do you agree or disagree? – Disagree -

Nowadays, kids are easy to catch something on television (
due to
it illustrates something in a clear form. The majority of people agree that
technology is essential for their children's learning process so they believe the use of it at school, not only at home, is
others stand on the opposite opinion. I disagree with
statement since it would impact the function of their eyes. On the one hand, the use of
in school would make the way of teaching more interesting to learn. Since the visualisation of
is good, pupils would find it easier to imagine the real form of something that has been taught before.
, it would
increase a student's curiosity as it seems more attractive to them.
For example
, science students would know the real process of DNA making, without observing it directly themselves, by watching the simulation of it on a big screen.
On the other hand
, the use of
tool impacts students' lives
as making them addicted to screen time and might attack their eye abilities. Children would be more aggressive and hard to control their emotions if they had overtime to watch.
For instance
, pupils always push teachers to give them a lesson to watch as they think listening to statements is a boring method.
, the more time to look at the
, the more possibility that eye illness will attack kids.
machine has been spread radiation that can be harmful for visibility. In fact, the number of young generations who wear glasses is always increasing. In conclusion, watching
is a fun learning method that can be taught to schoolchild, but it
might have bad impacts on their visibility abilities.
, I disagree with having
at school because it would make them too rely on the screen which is not good for their eyes.
Submitted by nirmalindah on

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task achievement
Ensure complete and clear explanation of all points made. For instance, you briefly mentioned that TV can make learning more interesting and increase curiosity, but you could have provided more details or examples to solidify this point.
coherence cohesion
Make sure each paragraph transitions smoothly to make your essay more cohesive. Your essay is generally well structured, but a few more transitional phrases or sentences would improve the flow.
task achievement
Include more specific examples and statistics to better support your main points. This will make your arguments more persuasive and well-rounded.
coherence cohesion
The essay is well-structured with clear introduction and conclusion paragraphs, which aids in understanding the main points.
task achievement
Your main points are supported with relevant examples, making the essay more compelling and easier to follow.
coherence cohesion
You provided a balanced view, discussing both the advantages and disadvantages of using TV for children's learning.
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