Write about the following topic: Many people go through life doing work that they hate or have no talent for. Why does this happen? What are the consequences of this situation? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

A lot of individuals at the present time are employed in jobs that they do not have a liking for. And it is well known that the reason behind
that is
financial. Causing many consequences for the
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general health,
as well as
the population as a whole. To start,
Due to
the bad economic status in many countries, Many people are forced to apply and work in a field they know nothing about or don't like, Because money-wise, It is better to have a job than to be unemployed.
For instance
, A person may choose to be in the healthcare field because it is a higher-paying career path not because they love to help heal others. So, Passion and talent are not a priority for the time being, But paying bills is.
, It has become a norm to search about what career pays more rather than what a person is good at.
new norm of thinking has had its effects on citizens and on the nation. working on something you do not love can emphasise the amount of stressors.
, it is well-known by researchers that stress leads to many mental health issues
as ( depression, Anxiety, and OCD ).
As well as
, Physical diseases like high\ low blood pressure, Obesity, and Diabetes. The disadvantages of
trend in the countries are many, But the most important is its effect on the quality of the performance leading to lower production from the nation.
To sum up
, working without passion affects people and individuals the same. So, governments should take action to fix it.
Submitted by llaora on

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task achievement
To improve task response, try to develop your arguments more thoroughly with specific examples to illustrate your points. This will make your essay more convincing and impactful.
coherence cohesion
Ensure that each paragraph flows logically from one to the next. You can use more transition words and phrases to achieve better coherence and cohesion.
task achievement
Further explain the consequences of working in a job one does not like or isn't talented in, considering both short-term and long-term effects.
coherence cohesion
Your introduction and conclusion are clearly presented and effectively frame the topic.
task achievement
Your essay addresses both parts of the task by discussing the reasons why people work in jobs they dislike and the consequences of this situation.

Your opinion

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