It has been suggested that cars and public transport should be banned from city centres and only bicycles be allowed instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is argued that only bikes should be permitted in the town centre and motor-car and public transportation be prohibited. I completely agree with
statement because it will be good for the
as well as
for the local public and
reduce the traffic in the city. The primary reason for the greenhouse gas effect and climate change is the emission of carbon. The more
, the more carbon will be released into the
which is not good for the
and for the health of the individuals.
, if motor
are disallowed from the city centre
it will be a contribution to the pollution-free climate.
For instance
, supermarkets are already overloaded with the crowd, and strain on transport would be a sigh of relief for humans. An individual can use a bicycle in
a crowded place which is
eco-friendly. Another benefit of prohibiting
in congested places is people will get more space to relax. It will
reduce traffic congestion and parking problems.
For instance
, if people go without their cars in the supermarket, they will not suffer for the room for parking and they can save more time shopping, relaxing and enjoying. One can get more space to unwind stress.
, bicycles do not need more space to park. So one can use it and it is
good for physical and mental health. In conclusion, the entry of motor
should be restricted in crowded places,
on the other hand
only cycling should be permitted. I am totally in favour of
viewpoint because it will be an effective step for a pollution-free
and one would not wait for a long time for parking.
Submitted by maliksheetal32 on

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relevant specific examples
Ensure that examples are more precise and directly related to the point. For example, instead of mentioning supermarkets being overloaded with the crowd, provide a specific example of a city that has benefited from bicycle-only zones.
clear comprehensive ideas
Try to vary sentence structures to enhance readability. Mixing shorter and longer sentences can keep the reader engaged and make your points clearer.
complete response
Be cautious with minor grammatical errors and word choice. For example, 'pollution-free climate' could be better expressed as 'reducing pollution levels'.
logical structure
Aim to introduce linking words and phrases more frequently to ensure smooth transitions between ideas. Words like 'additionally', 'moreover', or 'consequently' can help in structuring the essay better.
introduction conclusion present
The essay has a clear introduction and conclusion which frame the argument well. The stance is apparent from the beginning and the conclusion echoes the introduction, effectively rounding off the essay.
logical structure
The main points are supported logically with reasons which contribute to a coherent argument. There are clear links between paragraphs and ideas flow smoothly without redundancy.
complete response
The essay presents a well-structured response to the prompt. The arguments are relevant and reasons are given to support the viewpoint.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • congestion
  • air pollution
  • sustainable
  • environmentally friendly
  • traffic
  • improve
  • viable
  • population
  • investment
  • infrastructure
  • policy
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