The maps show changes that have taken place in Grange park from 1930 to untill now.

The maps show changes that have taken place in Grange park from 1930 to untill now.
The map illustrates the developments which have taken in Grange Park since 1920.
it is clear that
the park has changed considerably and the six new features can be seen in the second map. In 1920, the rose
and pond for water plants were located in the north-west of the
. Today, they have been transformed into the cafe and children's play area, respectively. The Glasshouse was situated in the south-west was demolished and a new water feature has been built. The most noticeable is that the new Rose
has been established in the centre of the
of the fountain.
, the stage for musicians was demolished in order to build an Amphitheatre for concerts near the new Rose
. In the northeast, the rose
has remained and all seats in the
have been moved to the centre, around the new Rose
, a new underground car park has been constructed at the under of the water feature, in the southwest of the
Submitted by makemoneyizzy16 on

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Vocabulary: Replace the words garden with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "map" was used 2 times.
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