‘The best way to educate children is by using the Internet in every lesson.’ To what extent do you share this opinion? What other ways are there of making lessons effective for children?

Cyberspace has infiltrated almost every aspect of a
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being and the field of education is no exception. The
is being used to make learning more effective which in my opinion is not a viable option. it may be appealing
, but some analysis will show that it is not a key method and other options are preferable.
, we should ask what is the purpose of the
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in the field of learning. It is probably true that
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would make knowledge from different
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of the world available at their disposal in a short span of time, but
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on interactive session with a tutor will help them grasp and understand the subject. The example of the university shows that irrespective of content available on the
, students will still prefer to join the course in the institute in order to learn the subject.
, there is widespread concern that excessive usage of the
through devices like mobile phones may cause a significant amount of stress on the eyes of the user,
affecting the
well-being of the student. Turning to the possible alternatives, the most effective would be a practical way of learning.
means providing hands-on experience
along with
the theory class would boost the process of learning. Examples can be seen in medical schools where practical sessions of subjects like anatomy help learners to make the class more interesting
as well as
retainable. Another possible option could be to present the information using graphical and tabular presentations which will achieve the task of making data more understandable.
To conclude
, we have seen the
is of limited effectiveness and superficial. Better class presentations and practical sessions will make learning more efficient and interactive.
Submitted by keziahboye58 on

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Some sentences are grammatically incorrect or awkward. For example, "a living being" should be "a human being" or simply "humans," and "only on interactive session" should be "only an interactive session."
Your essay could benefit from checking the language used for clarity and conciseness. Ensure all arguments are clearly articulated.
Try structuring your arguments more clearly. For instance, separating points within paragraphs can help make your argument easier to follow.
The essay presents a clear introduction and conclusion, which are crucial for guiding the reader.
You provided specific, relevant examples, such as medical schools and the stress on users' eyes from excessive Internet use, which bolstered your arguments well.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • abundant source,
  • multimedia resources
  • reliance
  • misleading information
  • tactile learning
  • hands-on activities
  • critical thinking
  • problem-solving skills
  • interactive group activities
  • physical activity
  • outdoor learning experiences
  • child development
  • educational technology
  • interactive whiteboards
  • educational apps
  • virtual reality
  • digital literacy
  • credible sources
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