It is impossible to help all people in the world, so governments should only focus on people in their own countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

From a global perspective, it is surely challenging for any government to assist every individual worldwide directly because of the ever-extending scale of need and limited resources.
, relieving them of all international assistance potentially makes global crises much worse.
, I believe striking a balance between domestic priorities and international obligations might come in way more handy.
providing humanitarian aid for every single person in need can be resource-intensive, with the help of modern means of transport and communication the delivery of international assistance now seems more feasible. One of the notable examples is the devastating earthquake in Nepal in 2015 which caused significant loss and destruction. Within hours of the earthquake, several countries swiftly sent aid workers and assisted in search and rescue operations, providing medicines, meals, blankets, and tents. The media played out the devastating effects of the earthquake alongside the generosity of international donors which
contributed to more humanitarian organizations’ relief efforts. All of which can be attributed to the feasibility of global assistance. Global issues,
on the other hand
, can transcend national borders which makes the idea that governments are only responsible to their citizens infeasible. Climate change, pandemics, and terrorism affect everyone, regardless of borders, and
necessitate cross-border collaboration. Collaborating across borders allows the pooling of resources, expertise, and efforts to address these challenges effectively.
For example
, tackling health crises like COVID-19 required global collaboration in research, vaccine development, and coordinated responses all of which are essential for public health. In conclusion, even though addressing local needs is crucial, ignoring global issues would be shortsighted. So to create a more sustainable world with fewer transnational issues governments should take on responsibility for both local requirements and global challenges and adjust
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Ensure clarity and precision in all parts of your essay. While the ideas are clear and well-organized, try to refine the language used to express them even more effectively.
depth of support
Consider adding slightly more depth and detail to your supporting points, particularly in the second body paragraph, to fully justify your arguments.
The essay has a clear and logical structure, with a distinct introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. This enhances the readability and flow of the essay.
The essay provides relevant examples, like the 2015 Nepal earthquake, which help to illustrate the points and make the arguments more persuasive.
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