Some people argue that long distance relationships never work. What are the reasons and what could be the solutions?

Many individuals assume that long-distance
may face significant challenges and problems.
essay will look at the primary causes of
and offer some possible solutions to the problems.
To begin
with, there are a number of reasons for the challenges of long-distance
. The first reason is the lack of intimacy and communication barriers.
Due to
the different time zones and distances, it is extremely difficult for some couples to connect.
That is
a reason why a long-distance couple often has a higher chance of breaking up. Another reason why long-distance
never work is that it is easy to have some emotional tolls
as a sense of loneliness and jealousy. Because of the distance between two individuals, it can lead to misunderstanding and they may fall out with their partner. In the long term, they will drift apart from their lover. There are several actions that could be taken to mitigate the problem mentioned above.
, they need to have regular communication. Discussing the issues and difficulties will make their
more intimate.
In addition
, long-distance couples should plan to visit during holidays or season breaks. Occasional visits, though rare, could fill the voids inside each person because a lot of couples always want to get on like a house on fire and confide with their lover. In conclusion, there are various factors that lead to the breaking down between the long-distance couple
as the lack of intimacy and communication barriers.
, in order to work in a relationship or have a healthy love, the long-distance couple should always keep in contact and confide with their partner
Submitted by nguyenhoanganhquan918 on

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To improve your Task Response, be sure to provide more concrete examples to bolster your points. Specific situations or anecdotes can help clarify and strengthen your arguments.
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For better Coherence and Cohesion, consider using more transitional phrases to smooth the flow between the different sections and points in your essay. Words like 'moreover', 'in addition', and 'consequently' can make your essay read more fluidly.
task achievement
The essay addresses the task effectively by identifying the reasons long-distance relationships may not work and suggesting potential solutions.
coherence cohesion
Both the introduction and conclusion are clear and well-structured, providing a good frame for the essay.
coherence cohesion
Main points are well-supported and logically structured, making it easy for the reader to follow the argument.
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