Nowadays, we are producing more and more rubbish Why do you think this is happening? What can governments do to help to reduce the amoung of rubbish produced?

It has been said that contamination increased in the
decades. The following essay will discuss my personal reasons behind
In addition
, several suggestions are going to be mentioned on how politicians can support the reduction of accumulated waste.
, it is important to mention that new generations are becoming less productive which leads to getting everything with no effort.
, the food industry can be a clear example of
. As it is well-known, nowadays people can find any pack meal in every shop they stop.
For instance
has been creating more rubbish because young adults prefer to buy food
that is
packed in different materials that usually are not disposable.
is handy for them, is
an unnecessary accumulation of trash. I truly believe that we are guilty of
due to
a lack of consciousness from our side.
, it is well-known that leaders of each country should promote the reduction of contamination.
, it was confirmed that yearly campaigns against plastic usage have been successful in the
few years.
, the government have encouraged the population to start using cloth bags that are reusable
of paper or plastic ones to avoid the generation of rubbish.
In addition
, the parties of the nation are working together to create new regulations on the matter. As it is clearly seen, politics are involved in the generation of ideas to reduce the amount of waste disposal.
To sum up
contamination has increased through the past years, there are been brought up several suggestions to start working on the reduction of rubbish. If we all work together by reducing our waste, we can have a big impact on future generations with a cleaner country.
Submitted by amrp17 on

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task achievement
While the essay provides relevant arguments and examples, try to use a wider range of vocabulary to make your points more compelling. Also, be more explicit about the connection between the causes and solutions to the issue of increasing rubbish.
coherence cohesion
Ensure that all paragraphs are fully developed with sufficient evidence to support your claims. Try to expand on how the examples and ideas are connected logically.
coherence cohesion
The essay has a clear structure, with a defined introduction and conclusion.
task achievement
Main points are well-supported with relevant examples, particularly in how governments can reduce waste.
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