Foreign visitors should pay more than local visitors for cultural and historical attractions. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

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abroad has become a trend. Some people suggest that foreign
should pay more than local
for cultural and historical attractions. I completely disagree with
opinion for several reasons.
To begin
with, it is not necessary to charge international
more money because they have made a big contribution to the local economy. Foreign
often purchase many local products and souvenirs, and it enhances the improvement of local industry.
For example
, more local people choose to open restaurants and shops beside Suzhou rivers since there are millions of
from different countries.
, charging foreigners the same
will help the local government collect enough money to protect historical attractions. A fair
will attract more people from other countries to visit and increase tourism income, and local governments can spend a part of their income on the protection of historical buildings.
On the other hand
, a higher charge for international
will harm the local reputation. If
realize that they need to pay more than local citizens, they will think they are not respected and be reluctant to travel to
For instance
, I was charged three times more than local residents, and I decided not to travel to
country again. At the same time, it will be difficult to promote local culture and history at a higher
for foreign
. International
will be unwilling to learn more about the local culture and history because they need to spend a lot. In conclusion, it is incorrect to charge foreign
more because they can improve the local economy, and
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can maintain a good local reputation
as well as
promote local culture.
Submitted by dingjc867328784 on

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