Many criminals resort back to crime as soon as they are released from prison. What do you think are the causes for this? What possible solutions can you suggest?

Some believe that offenders engage in criminal activities after being released from prison. In my opinion,
tendency happens for several reasons and some precautionary measures should be implemented to prevent those from committing additional crimes.
, the main cause of prisoners getting involved with various infractions is being locked up with other criminals for a long period. Even though some might advocate for
type of punishment, I believe
solution is only effective for a temporary time frame. Inmates with different criminal records can only have a negative impact on one another since they are all captivated for breaking laws and misdemeanours.
In addition
, not being able to find jobs after being released might lead them to commit minor or major infractions to survive.
For example
, nowadays many recruiters avoid hiring someone who has already been involved in criminal offences in the past which deters them from living their lives honestly.
, there might be some methods to eradicate
tendency and reduce the number of additional crimes committed by those who have already served their sentences. The most effective solution is educating captives and teaching them certain skills or abilities to make their ends meet after prison.
For instance
, creating opportunities for inmates to master some basic skills that might be useful in various industries
as construction, hospitality, and cooking will help them to be reintegrated into society.
, providing them with psychological services and therapies on a constant basis will be a more sustainable remedy since society will gain more mature and mentally healthy individuals.
To conclude
, criminals tend to resort to offences
due to
the difficulties of finding a job.
, authorities can deter convicts from breaking the laws after being released by providing them with certain training and free therapies.
Submitted by Dinare Abdullayeva on

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task achievement
To further improve your essay, consider providing more detailed examples to illustrate your points more clearly. For instance, you can talk about specific programs or countries where training and therapy have successfully reintegrated ex-convicts back into society.
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Make sure that each paragraph transitions smoothly to the next to enhance the overall flow of your essay. This can be achieved by using more transitional phrases and ensuring that each idea logically leads to the next.
coherence cohesion
Try to elaborate more on the negative impact of inmates being locked up together. Providing a concrete example can help to clarify this point further.
task achievement
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Your essay presents coherent ideas that are logically structured, making it easy to follow your argument.
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