These days, world leaders of all kinds are younger than those in the past. What are the reasons? Is this a negative or positive trend?

can be of many different ages. In the past, they were of the older generation as some people believed they held a certain wisdom and gravitas needed to get the job done. Nowadays, there has been a shift in the paradigm, where the
have become younger. I believe
is necessary for the future and I will explain my choice in
, it cannot be denied that there is a positive correlation between age and experience. It can develop skills and understanding to another level.
For example
, certain countries in Asia only allow people to become presidents and prime ministers if they are over the age of 70 years as they believe
that is
the age in which wisdom reaches its peak and
they are assured the main commander-in-chief is able to navigate politics effectively. Those countries see younger candidates as still having naivety, which can allow them to become manipulated to do the bidding of others.
On the other hand
, being young does not necessarily correlate with immaturity. In fact, there is a sense of newness and energy surrounding younger candidates.
For instance
, the newer
in some countries of Europe show their energy by providing solutions which are outside the box and trying new ideas based on the mistakes of their predecessors. They do not have the shackles of tradition, which ultimately amounts to no changes being made. In conclusion, there are positives to having the advice of wise individuals,
, it does not compare to the energy of younger
. I thoroughly believe that having younger
is a positive trend in the world and will lead to necessary impactful changes.
Submitted by patelmeera on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • world leaders
  • educational opportunities
  • expertise
  • social media
  • platform
  • demographic shifts
  • career paths
  • fresh perspectives
  • innovative approaches
  • policy-making
  • infusion
  • relatable
  • engaged
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