Some people say that in our modern age it is unnecessary to teach children about the skills of handwriting. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The advent of modern technology has resulted in the obsoletion of several old practices that we and our ancestors used to partake in.
Due to
reason, some people believe that teaching the art of handwriting to children is an unproductive activity. I strongly disagree with
stance and
essay is going to explore
issue in detail.
To begin
with, Handwriting is a beautiful medium that one can
to express
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and communicate effectively. The writer is able to
skill to put his emotions on
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paper in a comparatively better way than typing an e-mail on the keyboard.
, the reader is able to view those emotions with a greater understanding
due to
the presence of a personal touch in a handwritten medium of communication.
For instance
, a letter written with the
of pen and paper, especially in
modern era will be viewed by the receiver as more valuable
due to
the fact that the sender took his time to write it with his own hands.
a letter will
be able to convey the message and the purpose behind it in a useful manner.
, the art of handwriting is an ancient practice and an invaluable part of our great culture and heritage. Losing
a fragment of our culture will feel like losing a significant part of our heart and is going to be
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for our human civilisation. Our forefathers taught
skill to us so that we can protect it and it is our responsibility now to extend
skill to our future generations.
To conclude
, the practice of handwriting is a precious mode of communication and our children should be made aware of its importance so that they can
it skillfully.
Submitted by komalverma271999 on

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Coherence and Cohesion
Your essay is well-structured and logically organized, but make sure to eliminate minor grammatical errors and awkward phrasing. For instance, instead of 'the obsoletion of several old practices,' consider 'the obsolescence of several traditional practices.'
Task Achievement
Try to incorporate more diverse vocabulary and varying sentence structures to make your writing more engaging and nuanced.
Task Achievement
Using relevant, specific examples to support your arguments can strengthen your essay further. For example, mentioning historical figures who championed handwriting or educational studies on handwriting’s benefits can add depth.
Coherence and Cohesion
Your essay has a clear introduction and conclusion, which smoothly enclose your arguments.
Task Achievement
Your points about the emotional aspect of handwriting and its cultural heritage are well-articulated and compelling.
Coherence and Cohesion
The overall structure flows well, leading the reader through your arguments without confusion.
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