In the future, nobody will buy printed paper or books because they will becomplete able to read everything they want online without paying. To what extent do you ag ree or disagree?

In the nearest days,
do not buy paper or
, because they prefer to read which they do not spend their money on, rather than printed paper or
. I partially agree and disagree with
topic, because
reading or finding something online which is searching the internet is more convenient for
, who suffer from
their literate. There is the main problem in
situation. Nowadays technology is developing, which is why,
choose to read everything that they want online without any cash.
As a result
, Individuals are getting more lazy and impatient. If
always prefer to find anything which they want virtually,
for example
, they are becoming illiterate day by day. Even though reading anything online, may save them time, their love for education will decrease. In the 21st century, everything even first aid is changing to technology by artificial intelligence. There is a useful site for
For instance
do not go to the library to read printed papers or
. In my view, in the
Correct word choice
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future, we should make an excursion to areas
as a museum from the library, because,
do not use it anymore. If anyone wants to travel or use ancient
which are
Correct article usage
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long periods, they will visit there. In conclusion, I do not completely agree or disagree with
topic. Even though not using printed
or paper harms
on the one hand, we can consider it a normal situation in today's technological age.
That is
will be more useful if they keep both in balance.
Submitted by makemoneyizzy16 on

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task achievement
Your introduction does introduce your stance on the topic. However, it could be clearer. Try to be more direct in stating whether you agree or disagree and to what extent.
task achievement
There are some grammar and vocabulary issues that affect clarity. For instance, 'nearest days' should be 'near future,' and 'who suffer from this their literate' is unclear and could be rephrased. Paying attention to sentence construction will help improve your essay.
task achievement
Your essay lacks detailed and relevant examples. Including more specific examples would strengthen your main points and make your argument more compelling.
coherence cohesion
Your essay has a basic logical structure, but the introduction and conclusion could be more robust. Ensure your introduction clearly presents your position and your conclusion reiterates it effectively.
coherence cohesion
Some parts of your essay feel disconnected. Try to use more transition words and phrases to guide the reader through your argument more smoothly. Phrases like 'However,' 'On the other hand,' and 'Moreover' can be very helpful.
task achievement
Your essay addresses the task prompt and maintains focus on the main issue. This shows good comprehension of the task and the ability to stay on topic.
task achievement
You have made an attempt to balance both sides of the argument, which demonstrates critical thinking and depth in your discussion.
task achievement
You show awareness of the changing times and how technology is influencing reading habits, which adds relevance to your argument.
coherence cohesion
The essay attempts to follow a logical structure with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, which is a good practice in essay writing.
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