Nowadays, parents put too much pressure on the children to succeed. What is the reason for doing this? Is this a negative or positive development?

One of the most overwhelming challenges for every parent is the issue of raising their
and leading them to the path of success. To achieve
goal some
are burdening their
with excessive amounts of stress these days. There are several explanations for
behaviour, including social expectations, a competitive educational system, and the pursuit of a better future, but the question is whether
intense pressure leads to positive outcomes or failures. From my point of view, these actions will definitely result in negative consequences. In
essay, I will explore the underlying causes and
elaborate on the drawbacks of these attitudes.
feel the urge to put a lot of pressure on their
due to
some reasons. They are always concerned for the future of their offspring. They fear if their
is able to make a living or not.
, society demands
to bring up a productive
, not an inactive one.
For instance
who have failed to send their
to the university are always blamed by their friends and family
some people support
behaviour and try to make it seem rational, I am strongly against it based on several indisputable facts. One of the most detrimental effects of
an attitude is the damage it causes to
’s behaviour. Not every
can handle excessive pressure and may even function the opposite of what is expected.
For example
taking school lessons too seriously may result in
getting disinterested and bored All things considered,
tend to put a lot of stress on their
to succeed because of some reasons like social demands, I believe that these actions have adverse effects and will have irreversible consequences.
Submitted by basri.fateme on

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task achievement
While the essay provides a satisfactory response to the prompt, make sure to address all parts of the question in equal measure. The essay discusses the reasons behind parental pressure well, but the analysis of whether this is a positive or negative development could be expanded.
coherence cohesion
To ensure higher scores, connect your ideas more explicitly. For instance, use transitional phrases such as 'First of all,' 'Moreover,' and 'Conversely' to create smooth links between paragraphs and ideas.
task achievement
Include specific examples and evidence to support your arguments. More illustrative instances or data could strongly reinforce your points and make your essay more persuasive.
coherence cohesion
The introduction is clear and outlines the essay’s focus well.
logical structure
The essay maintains a logical structure with clear paragraphs dedicated to different aspects of the question.
task achievement
The writer attempts to discuss the potential consequences of parental pressure, showing a good understanding of the issue at hand.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Excessive pressure
  • Academic achievements
  • Professional success
  • Secure future
  • Social comparison
  • Competitive environment
  • Psychological impact
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Resilience
  • Work ethic
  • Emotional well-being
  • Supportive parenting
  • Achievements
  • Life skills
  • Balance
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